Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Sherpa?

To fail so badly that when all the passing grades were removed from the curve, the Sherpa Jack grade will still fail.

Guy 1: Oh man, physics was so hard I think I Sherpa Jacked it.
Guy 2: Yep, you're stupid.

👍179 👎27

the Sherpa - video


The Sherpa - what is it?

acting without a proper plan to execute

you can't climb the Everest, carrying the sherpa. you need a solid and safe route to conquer.

👍27 👎11

What does "the Sherpa" mean?

a non-white essential employee who faces an increased risk of mortality when serving their white, privileged customers

When affluent, unqualified climbers attempt to summit Mount Everest, sherpas are the ones who pay the price, with their lives.

👍43 👎95

The Sherpa - what does it mean?

To fail a test so badly that if the test were re-curved using only the scores of the people who failed, you still would have failed.

Oh, man. I totally sherpa'd the Math midterm.

👍93 👎347

The Sherpa - meaning

one (usually of higher skill) who helps noobs beat a game or specifically a hard part of a certain level in exchange for an achievement or kills in which to level

noob: help me i need a sherpa!

me: fine but only if you help me level.

noob: ...i only need to beat a mission...

me: i dont care you need my help and i expect something in return.

noob: fine...

👍213 👎827

The Sherpa - definition

A sober guide/leader who escorts the stoners into public situations

After we hit the bong, out ROTC roomate would be our sherpa on our adventures to get food/drink at the local eatery/watering hole.

👍373 👎985

The Sherpa - slang

Sherpa means to teach/ guide someone through a activity or endgame content in Destiny2
Popular destiny 2 word for teaching somone

My friend sherpa me through vault of glass raid.
James got 100 sherpa on Vow of desciple raid.

👍25 👎11

The Sherpa

A title earned by completing a most awesome sexual act, charachterized by an obese female laying face down, while a mountain goat eats cocktail weenies out of her ass, and completed by a male penetrating the goat. The male penetrator then becomes The Sherpa.

"I wasn't seriously thinking about it because she was so hefty, but I really wanted to put "The Sherpa" in the skills section of my CV."

👍65 👎51

The Sherpa

An experienced guide helping others on a mountain climbing expadition.

Edmund Hillary - first person to climb Mt. Everest.
Tenzing Norgay - Sherpa that helped him

👍489 👎131

The Sherpa

Sherpa originally meant the tribe in Nepal whose social custom was to provide humane and courageous mountain guides to outsiders. This tribe didn't use last names, so they were all referred to as Sherpas. To the Sherpa, all Himalayan peaks are sacred, so every tour holds ethical and religious meaning. Westerners picked up on this and use Sherpa to mean an assistant who knows more than the boss.

The G8 Sherpas meet several times before the annual meeting. Each Sherpa has the authority to set policy for the Head of State.

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