Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Rimmer?

A kid that no one has seen before until the first day of gym class freshman year of high school. He is tall and obviously dorky but tries to make a good impression by showing off his ability to jump high. He runs really fast and furiously and then does a jump stop on both feet and then jumps up again and tries to touch the rim of the basketball hoop. He should easily be able to get it but has some difficulty. Wears shirts with phrases on them and loves gym but has to settle for mingling with others and never being good enough.

Dan: Hey look at that kid, it looks like he's goin for rim.
Jeff: Aww he didn't get it though. Who is that?

Phil:(While looking at the kid) HEY! Rimmer! You think you can get rim or something?! Try jumping off Snooter's back before I draw a shaft on the carpet and have to clean the library.

Corey: I like wearing oversized undershirts and hanging with MVP.

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the Rimmer - video


The Rimmer - what is it?

Tickling the anus with your tongue. Is based on the word reamer which is an object that shapes holes. Also known as anilingus or butt munching.

Sally totally freaked me when she gave me a rimmer last night.

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What does "the Rimmer" mean?

A tool used to form a rim on plastic parts.

The production technician used the rimmer to finish the trim piece.

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The Rimmer - what does it mean?

Someone who gives rim-jobs.

Rimmer Murray

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The Rimmer - meaning

Someone who plays Skyrim.

Star Trek fans are called Trekkers, Stargate fans are called Gaters... Does that mean that people who play Skyrim are called Rimmers??

I've been rimming all day long, can't stop.

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The Rimmer - definition

A behaviour or action which is identifiable to, and characteristic of , the character Arnold J Rimmer from the series Red Dwarf.

I think the most important Rimmerism in the show is probably running away.

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The Rimmer - slang

to pack a bowl with so much marijuana that it is as high as the rim of the bowl piece or higher. A Large bowl.

Savage, pack a rimmer in the bong with all that bomby.

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The Rimmer

1. someone who literally licks someone's asshole
2. somone who figuratively licks somone's ass (sucking up)

1. "she reckons he's a rimmer"
2. Heath's a rimmer he only came to qcs party to suck up and get the apprentiship

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The Rimmer

Someone who licks around the ass-hole 'rim'.

Jane is a rimmer. ew

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The Rimmer

Rimmer, the name of once of the companions of the last human alive David Lister from Red Dwarfas british sitcom. His full name is Arnold Judas Rimmer and failed the astro-navigation exam no less than 13 times. He is dispised by all but in one episode of Red Dwarf his much more dashing self from another Dimension appears, Ace Rimmer who everone, Except Arnold J Rimmer, likes.

Rimmer = A total Smeg Head

"Mister Rimmer sir, i would like to take this oppertunity to say that You are the most obnoxious, trumped up, flirty little smeg head, it has ever been my misfortune to encounter!"

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