Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Ranga?

Etymology: From Orangutan.
A derogatory term used to describe people with a hair color containing the primary color red, including all its gradients from auburn to strawberry blond. It's usage was popularized by Chris Lilly's t.v show Summer Height's High. The usage of this term reflects blatant ignorance on the user, as they do not consider this form of discrimination significant. This term is on par with "chink" for people with an Asian appearance, "nigga" for people of darker skin, "lebo" for people with an assumed Lebanese background and so on. The discriminatory feelings associated with the usage of the word stem from English racism towards the Celts. However in a modern sense it is more commonly used due to people's inherent weakness to alleviate personal issue's at the expense of others.

"I am pathetic and a quasi-racist because I use the term ranga"

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the Ranga - video


The Ranga - what is it?

A stupid feeble insult that is said to a person with red hair, it is hair to believe we insult people over the colour of their hair. I for one am not a "ginga" or "ranga" but I do feel that it is extremely stupid as they receive much bullying by others over this... please leave people with red-hair alone :(

Also having red hair does not mean you have red pubic hair

Hey look at that ranga...?
Yeah he looks pissed off!

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What does "the Ranga" mean?

someone who was born with gods greatest gift, red hair if they're lucky the will also have freckles and very very pale skin

person 1: wow dude look at that ranga
person 2: that is the coolest thing i have ever seen it's made my day

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The Ranga - what does it mean?

Some One With Red Or Orange Hair . The Female Ranga Is Known For Being Excellent In Bed . Firery Attitude . Realy good looks .Caring And Kind . Loves being With Friends. Gets Sunburnt Easily .

"Check Out That Ranga Isnt She Gorguz " " Yeah Id Deffinantly Tap That

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The Ranga - meaning

Someone who has orange/red hair, comes from the word orangatan.Said as an insult.

OMG you're friends with a ranga!

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The Ranga - definition


fuck off beth you fucking ranga

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The Ranga - slang

Nick name for a "red head" -- shortened version of Orang-utans simply because thier hair is also red.

Julie was often referred to as a "ranga" because her hair was flaming red...

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The Ranga

Abbreviation of orangutan, a derogatory term for a redhead.

RANGA!!!!!*shout across cafeteria*

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The Ranga

Derived from Orangutan or from the Latin β€œOrange Utan” meaning red pubic hair, commonly known as Fanta pants. This creature is well known for its fiery temper and pale skin; hence its ability to spend long periods of time in the sun is limited. The female of the spices is renowned for being good in bed, combining its natural aggression with its lack of appreciation for its looks.

My mate won’t fuck rangas; he said he would rather put his nuts in a rabbit trap.

My misses is a ranga but don’t call her that she will rip your fucking head off and shit down your throat.

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The Ranga

a person who has red or orange hair

richard you fucking ranga piss off

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