Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Puma?

Puma is pretty ,cute and gets all the boys .she love to dance and is very flexible and love trying new things. She has high self-esteem and a real party person she thick and stands up for her friends and family . she never lost a Competition and very smart. And favorite color is purple.

If she pretty and flexible and thick then she must be PUMA

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the Puma - video


The Puma - what is it?

Gay man ,might be other gender,rather short ,and a bottom

Yo look at that puma ova der it’s submissive af

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What does "the Puma" mean?

A hotter younger looking cougar.

WOW, she is 43 and looks 33 and loves younger men. She is a definite PUMA.

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The Puma - what does it mean?


1) A woman who is too young to be a Cougar, but too old for the men she wants.

2) A woman under 40 who discovers the men her own age prefer prepubescent, siliconed, bimbos to educated women their own age.

Damn girl, the last well dressed MBA just left with that skank. I feel like a PUMA in a den of tarts.

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The Puma - meaning

a northern irish girl living in scotland

Jordan is such a puma, she moved to Glasgow from Belfast

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The Puma - definition

A woman who is not quite old enough to be a cougar, but still likes to date/mate with younger men.

Dating a puma wasn't so bad, Bob reflected. After all, the sex was great and she never minded picking up the tab when they went out on the weekend.

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The Puma - slang

One step before cougar

Random Downtown Smiley Puma: "look at you all dressed up"

Me: "you're a lil puma aren't you?"

Puma: "what's a puma?"

Me: "like one notch before a cougar"

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The Puma

used for various things-walking, running, soccer, curbstomping emo kids

emo-hey look at my kick ass etnies
person with pumas- hey,taste the curb

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The Puma

A woman in her sexual prime between the ages of 30-39 who prefers to date younger men. The term "puma" does not apply to women before their 30s, and should never be confused with the titles "Cougar" (ages 40-49) and "Jaguar" (ages 50+).

When Megan Fox becomes a puma, she'll probably look like a jaguar.

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The Puma

An attractive woman in her late 20s or early 30s. She is a pre-cougar/urban cougar.

I think that puma just grabbed my ass.

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