Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Neopolitan?

The neopolitan is a sexual act where a Male ejaculates in a females ass (chocolate) vagina (strawberry) and mouth (vanilla). -term made by Isaiah Barwicki 22 Feb 2019

I gave my girlfriend a hardy serving of neopolitan.

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the Neopolitan - video


The Neopolitan - what is it?

The act of licking a lady's gooch.

Inspired by the popular ice cream: the pink is the vagina, the white is the skin between the brown which is the arse.

"Lay down on your back and put your legs behind your head, it's neopolitan time!"

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What does "the Neopolitan" mean?

The Girl's on her rag so obviously you have to fuck her in the ass. So you blow your load in her ass hole, and you pull out real quick and punch her in the ovaries, causing her to excrete period juice, as well as the shit and cum already in her ass. The remnants of this is a big red white and brown mess all over her parents bed, hence "The Neopolitan"!

"So the bitch tries to get out of it by telling me shes on her rag. So I gave her the neopolitan treat".

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The Neopolitan - what does it mean?

When you slap a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a girls vagina, then you top that off with semi sweet chocolate chips, then you proceed to to let the ice cream melt and spoon it out and enjoy your true neopolitan. So you have the pink in the vagina the white of the vanilla and the brow of the chocolate chips.

Josh gave Kelly a neopolitan and she giggled as the ice cream dripped down her vagina lips.

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The Neopolitan - meaning

A Neopolitan is when you fuck a girl on her period: first in the pussy, then in the ass, and then cum on her tits - you get the three colors like the ice cream.

My cum was swimming in her shit and blood, after I gave her a neopolitan last night

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The Neopolitan - definition

A certain individual who has blond hair on his head, red facial hair, and brown hair "down there," much like that of the vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate mixed ice cream known as neopolitan.

I hear Nate is a neopolitan...blond on top, red on the face, and brown downtown.

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The Neopolitan - slang

The act of licking a woman from her ass to her taint then on to the vagina in one motion without removing the tongue from her skin. The word NEOPOLITAN came from the type of ice cream it is 3 types of ice cream in one container. (chocolate,vanilla, and strawberry.

Ben stiller stuck his tongue in Jenna Jameson from ass to pussy, he gave her the neopolitan.

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The Neopolitan

To have sex with 3 women at the same time; a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead(vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, respectively)

Dan Heller is a pimp, yo. Last night he got with a sweede, a spic and a mic!
Word!? You mean he had a neopolitan?

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The Neopolitan

An ice-cream flavor that is composed of separate bands of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.

Neopolitan ice-cream tastes good.

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The Neopolitan

The most badass fighter from the anime RWBY. She will beat the shit out of her enemies with an umbrella despite her being the smollest character.

β€œHey dude, wanna go bully midgets?”
β€œNo, I don’t wanna run into Neopolitan”

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