Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the DIPE?

The act when a man gets a fun dip package and pours it in the females vagina. Then the female suck the mans dick and gets it wet. Next the man put his dick in her vagina and then pulls out. then she licks the fun dip off. you do this till all the fun dip is gone.

alexis loved "Fun Diping" with joey.

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the DIPE - video


The DIPE - what is it?

When you dip your dick in 151 or very strong proof alcohol to get drunk. It works best in s shot glass.

The dick bypasses the GABA receptor of the brain, making it twice as intoxicating with half the toxicity. You can dick dip all night.

Bro, I am so fucked up right now, ive been dick diping all day.

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What does "the DIPE" mean?

short term used for 'diaper' used by lil chodes like dosEvo. they can get messy, and need replacing. This word can also be used during halo.

evo: ' kirk! I need a new dipe!'

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The DIPE - what does it mean?

Boxers/Underwear or Diapers

"When I saw the blues light up behind me, I shat my dipes cuz I had a fatty ounce under my seat."

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The DIPE - meaning

1. To put a diaper on a baby.

2. The act of calling someone out as a baby.

Andrew Evard was being such a baby, we told him he was going to be diped if he kept acting immature.

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The DIPE - definition

adj: originated in st paul, minnesota. short for "diaper," meaning pants-shittingly rad.

1. "dude, i went to see tom petty at the xcel last night. sooo dipe"

2. "i met the dipest chick last night, duder."

3. "mark is pretty rad, i guess, but i wouldn't say dipe."

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The DIPE - slang

First find a diaper filled with shit and piss.

Then tie a very long string to it.

Throw the diaper with the string attached to it on top of a building.

The string should be at about the same level as your face when you’re done.

On the end of that string put a sign that says pull really hard 4 $$$.

When an unfortunate victim pulls the string they will not get any money and instead will get a bunch of piss and shit on their head.

β€œThe Dipe will require a lot of courage to install”

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When you bite it as in fall/trip

Jack: damn did you see how I tripped?
Chad: ye you diped it

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Acronym for "documented instance of public eating." Coined by Hollywood publicist Jeremy Walker. Refers to the tendency of journalists from glossy magazines to report on the eating habits of celebrity women (actresses/models) who in an unusual frequency report their fondness for comfort food often in large quantities. It is not clear if the reported love of food and ravenous appetite is reality or part of a show.

Reporting the DIPE of the starlet makes her seem more down-to-earth and accessible.

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An idiot or dumbsss

You fucking dipe

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