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What is the Corn on the cob?

A sexual act where one feeds a woman corn every hour for an entire day. The following morning he shoves his cock in her ass and pulls it out. He then proceeds to have her eat the corn off his cock.

That Bitch kept complaining she was hungry so I gave the bitch the corn on the cob.

👍33 👎23

the Corn on the cob - video


The Corn on the cob - what is it?

after anal sexual desires are forfilled, you take the penis out, if there is reminances of corn, you make the oral hostess eat the corn, thus inducing vomit and emotional scaring

i made that ho give me a corn on the cob

👍83 👎99

What does "the Corn on the cob" mean?

1 corn kernals still attached to their ear of corn
2 racist name for a white person with cornrow-ed hair

1 - mmm this corn on the cob is really tasty
2 - hey look that cracker is a corn on the cob

👍77 👎85

The Corn on the cob - what does it mean?

To cut someone's botton penis off with braces giving them a huge circumscion.

Billy screamed in pain when Jill corn on the cobbed him.

👍73 👎77

The Corn on the cob - meaning

When a female is on all fours performing oral sex on a male of large stature and the male bends over, utilizing his lankiness, and reaches down her back to finger the females butthole. The combined efforts of the penis in the mouth and finger in the butt closely resemble the old American past time of corn on the cob, as enjoyed with corn holders. The sexual position was followed closely by the revolutionary utensils which are small prongs placed in the ends of the corn to prevent dirtying of the fingers.

Note: This is not to be confused with "chicken on a spit".

- Sometime in the 1880's, in a barn in rural Pennsylvania, a farmer and his fat wife are getting frisky....

Jebidiah: "Yeaa you like when I finger your butthole while you perform oral sex upon me?"

Gertrude: "Oh indeed, it is a pleasure unlike any other.."

Jebidiah- deep in thought..

"I've got it! If we can mutually please eachother without me having to touch all of your hideous, slimy body why can't we do the same with... Corn on the Cob!

And thus corn was never eaten the same way again...

👍87 👎89

The Corn on the cob - definition

The day after the woman eats corn, you perform anal on her. As you pull out there will be corn pieces stuck to your shaft. Tell her to eat her corn on the cob.

Dude, I forgot we had corn for dinner last night until I pulled out. That bitch loves corn on the cob.

👍125 👎139

The Corn on the cob - slang

A delicious food item most commonly eaten in the fall.

I ate some corn on the cob last night.

👍51 👎25

The Corn on the cob

The sexual act of inserting the penis into the anus after having feed the owner of the anus corn for weeks on end.The anus must be full of corn riddled feces so that when the shaft is slowly removed from the anus their is corn all over the penis...Hence Corn on the Cob is created.Great Job!

I had her eating corn for weeks when i finally knew we were ready to have some "corn on the cob".

👍251 👎195

The Corn on the cob

the act of fucking someone in the ass so hard that while you are having sex a piece of undigested corn gets lodged in the dick hole.

The other day I was fucking courtney in the ass so hard I got corn in the cob and had to have it removed at the hospital.

👍59 👎29

The Corn on the cob

When a woman (or man) moves both of her(his) lips back and forth along the length of the shaft of a man's penis, simulating the eating of corn on the cob.

She teased me with some Corn on the Cob before she actually sucked my cock

👍315 👎175