Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Cole Train?

1. A loud obnoxious black roid monkey on the game Gears of War
2.The song that plays during the credits on Gears of War

1. The Cole Train: Whoo!
2. Yeah! Whoo! Bring it on sucka! This is my kind of shit!

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the Cole Train - video


The Cole Train - what is it?

A large vehicle used for transporting carbon based fuels of the solid variety to power stations and such. Known for its tell tale "Choo choo" sound.

#1 :"We are low on fuel!"
#2 :"Its coming now, its on the Cole Train"

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What does "the Cole Train" mean?

Cole Train is the applied term to the rawest, most rugged, muscle upping, sex- appealing man in the room. Derived from the identical title of the legendary first Cole Train. Cole Train is recognized for his uncanny ability to play (and win) left handed beer pong and may frequently receive dome from beautiful female public educators. Not to be confused with his partner in crime and cohort Cole Danger.

Female: "Wheres the Cole Train of this party?"

Overshadowed Male: "Hes over there rocking some pong blindfolded. Why do you ask?"

Female: "Because im going to ride the Cole Train."

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The Cole Train - what does it mean?

Nickname of Private Augustus Cole, one of the main characters in the XBOX 360 game Gears of War. Cole Train is a member of Alpha Squad in the army of the Coalition of Ordred Governments. He is very confident and enthusiastic even against seemingly impossible odds, sometimes excessively so. He acquired his nickname during his days as a professional Thrashball player before he joined the military, and it has stuck with him ever since.

Cole Train is voice-acted by Lester Speight, who is known for starring in the Terry Tate, Office Linebacker series of commercials.

Cole Train *while being rushed by a horde of Locust drones*: Yeah, WHOO! Bring it on, sucka! This my kind of shit!

Cole Train *after gunning them all down*: Man, that was nasty!

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The Cole Train - meaning

A large, muscular man of African American origins. A former thrashball player for the Cougars, he is now part of the Alpha Squadron of C.O.G. Has a tendancy to yell phrases like:" Whoo, yeah, bring it on sucka thats my kind of shit."

Vavey: Don't make me go all Cole Train on yo black ass

Albright: Whoo, YEAH!! Bring it on sucka, thats my kinda of shit!

Dave: Shuu..


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The Cole Train - definition

Nickname of Private Augustus Cole, one of the main characters in the XBOX 360 game Gears of War. Cole Train is a member of Alpha Squad in the army of the Coalition of Ordred Governments. He is very confident and enthusiastic even against seemingly impossible odds, sometimes excessively so. He acquired his nickname during his days as a professional Thrashball player before he joined the military, and it has stuck with him ever since.

Cole Train is voice-acted by Lester Speight, who is known for starring in the Terry Tate, Office Linebacker series of commercials.

Cole Train is a bad-ass motherfucker.

Cole Train *while being rushed by a horde of Locust drones*: Yeah, WHOO! Bring it on, sucka! This my kind of shit!

Cole Train *after gunning them all down*: Man, that was nasty!

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The Cole Train - slang

1.)Noun- Augustus Cole, the baddest warfightin' machine this side of anywhere who kicks so much ass, its indescribable.
2.)Verb- go Cole Train, (to annihilate an enemy)

Some ass- "I'm gonna go beast-mode on you!"

You- "Oh yeah? I'm gonna pull a Cole Train on your punk ass"

Some ass- "Oh Shit, this dude's crazy!"

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The Cole Train

perhaps the best character in the gears of war series. he's the sickest, blackest solider in the cog. he is augustus cole, the cole train.

Cole Train) Regr...Regroup? Ha, that's funny, man. You're lucky to have you star player back, Delta!

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