Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the BIG game?

1. descriptive noun / adj.

A term used by Sport-literature individuals to describe a sportsman that can be relied upon to deliver and succeed at the crucial, definining and pivotal moments in his teams' , or his own sporting conquests.

It is most commonly used in Footballing terms - a big game player is someone who can deliver goals, or play well and do his role effectively and inspirationally - and not be over-awed, but create fear and awe in the opposition, without getting swayed in by the occasion , be it a crucial fixture against a big team, or a World Cup Final , or Cup Tie and other such engagements. People say that a great player can be defined most by their ability to be big game players - delivering against the biggest teams, when their teams need it the most, and succeeding against all qualities of opposition.

This term can also be called as 'Big Match Man'.

This term although is mainly attached to Football, it can be attached to other sports as well.

A the Champions League Quarter Final...when his team needed it the most...from a team that all other teams is the Big Game Player...Ronaldo

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the BIG game - video


The BIG game - what is it?

Often used when referring to a person who has spoken highly of themselves or their abilities on a previous occasion.

Oi, you talked a big game last night when we were out on the sauce. Now it’s time to put your money where your mouth is!

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What does "the BIG game" mean?

To go out, get drunk and try to bang a fat girl/guy

Stu: Hey, whassup for tonight? I'm ready to get all crunked.
Gor: I think tonight both of us are going big game hunting. Drink up you goddam bitch.

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The BIG game - what does it mean?

BGF stands for Big Game Fever. Wich means the act of wanting a program to do everything, but never finishing it. <- Awesome compiler.

that compiler is too big game fever

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The BIG game - meaning

BGF stands for Big Game Fever. Wich means the act of wanting a program to do everything, but never finishing it. <- Awesome compiler.

that compiler is too big game fever

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The BIG game - definition

When someone be talkin a whole gang of mess that, in all likeliness, they probably can't back up.

Scrawny Guy - Come on bro, right here right now I'll whoop your ass into next week.

Big Guy - You're talkin big game there my man. Talkin some pretty big game.

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The BIG game - slang

An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.

big game is such a fag
dude i know!

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The BIG game

The best rivalry in college football. Stanford University plays University California Berkeley (Cal) for The Axe. The Big Game in 1982 had the most spectacular but controversial finish in the history of college football. Simply called The Play, five Cal players touched the ball on a zany kickoff return that gave Cal a 25-20 victory, although I swear the second player's knee was down.

Stanford has the record for consecutive Big Game victories, winning in 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, and 01.

Cal has won the last two Big Games.

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The BIG game

1. Nickname for St. Louis Rams Wide Reciever Torry Holt.

Big Game Torry Holt with the touchdown catch!

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The BIG game

The name media companies give to the SuperBowl because the NFL will sue the ever living shit out of anyone that uses their trademarks.

Hey Tom, are you coming to the churches The Big Game party

Why don't you just call it the church SuperBowl party?

Because Last year the NFL sued gods house of worship for using their trademark!!

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