Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Academic Weapon?

Cody Vogel

Cody Vogel is the Academic Weapon of UT

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the Academic Weapon - video


The Academic Weapon - what is it?

They get an a , they get a b , they’re DAISY

Ex: Wow Daisy Guillen got a hundred on her Avid final , what an academic weapon !

Alternate definition : Danielle Barber

Wow Daisy Guillen got an A in Pre-Calculus, and is a junior officer, what an academic weapon !

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What does "the Academic Weapon" mean?

Mason is an absolute academic weapon, man is goated.

Man is a academic weapon

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The Academic Weapon - what does it mean?

Someone who studies for AP Exams or does any school while hitting the gym especially after benching 160

Bob: Look at John he just benched 160 and then used his break to study for his AP exam

Rob: holy fuck he’s an academic weapon

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The Academic Weapon - meaning

Someone that has a determination and discipline to succeed and always show up to school

"Wow Nils is such an academic weapon, he came home from his trip at half past four and is still in school today."

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The Academic Weapon - definition

When you kick the fucking sheets and go attack the day. Required to sit in the front of class and get your work done.

Oh my god babe look at that guy, he’s such an academic weapon.

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The Academic Weapon - slang

beauty both in the class room and everywhere else

Buddy is smart af some might say academic weapon.

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The Academic Weapon

A student with straight A’s, all the gold medals, exceptional rizz, higher in the social hierarchy and posesses an intellect which threatens the try hards. (Someone who never seems to put an effort into anything and shouldn’t be achieving anything close to what they achieve.)

He was at the party till sunrise last night but still aced the 8am test the next day, what an Academic Weapon.

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The Academic Weapon

me πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ’―πŸ’―

I am an academic weapon

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The Academic Weapon

An individual (typically a student) that acquires traits that are seen by many as scholarly.

Tyler is an academic weapon, he manages to take 4 AP courses, while still being on honor roll every semester.

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