Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tezzed?

When someone gets terrored and β€œripped to bits” verbally by a friend or colleague

Hahaha _____ couldn’t hack the tezz yesterday he got terrored.

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tezzed - meme gif

tezzed meme gif

tezzed - video


Tezzed - what is it?

Verb: taking photos in the bathroom with your friends. Typically after drinking a lot. The photos are typically promiscuous in nature and may or may not have elements of flashing body parts.

The bathroom attendant got so excited when we were tezzing. She never seen so many fat asses before.

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What does "tezzed" mean?

A kid who’s gonna be a famous rapper one day and live his life like a baller.

β€œI really like the music Cheeseboi Tezz makes”

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Tezzed - what does it mean?

When a post has not been made in a thread for an unusually long period of time.

You tezzed the thread.

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Tezzed - meaning

Used as an expression of disbelief following the telling of a story. Also usually accompanied by the twisting of an imaginary motorcycle throttle and accompanying utterances of "TEZZZZZ,TEZZZZZZ,TEZZZZZZZ" moving up the scale as if imitating a motorcycle pulling away from a stationary position and going through the gears.

Origin.Terry S******y had was 15 and in my school days was entitled to ride a 50 cc motorbike.Being of course a woefully underpowered machine, it came as somewhat of a suprise to us all when he announced that he'd achieved the speed of 100 mph fromn it. The rest follows on rather nicely.

Verb:To tezz.thus:he Tezzes, she Tezzes,they Tezz,We(pl) Tezz, you(pl) Tezz.

eg;Your dad's got a job!Fuck off ya fuckin' tezzin' bastard!

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Tezzed - definition

Slang for committing 'terrorism'; popularised by kids on the streets rioting, particularly during the August 2011 England uprising.

"Who's up for tezzing it up tonight?"

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Tezzed - slang

Used as an expression of disbelief following the telling of a story. Also usually accompanied by the twisting of an imaginary motorcycle throttle and accompanying utterances of "TEZZZZZ,TEZZZZZZ,TEZZZZZZZ" moving up the scale as if imitating a motorcycle pulling away from a stationary position and going through the gears.

Origin.Terry S******y had was 15 and in my school days was entitled to ride a 50 cc motorbike.Being of course a woefully underpowered machine, it came as somewhat of a suprise to us all when he announced that he'd achieved the speed of 100 mph fromn it. The rest follows on rather nicely.

Verb:To tezz.thus:he Tezzes, she Tezzes,they Tezz,We(pl) Tezz, you(pl) Tezz.

eg;Your dad's got a job!Fuck off ya fuckin' tezzin' bastard!

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tezz believed to be short for terrible usually used to mean how someone will react. in a negative/angry/violent way to a situation.

goin off sick OR go skitz or to go mad

'yo i cant believe ur dad found out u had a house full of people all high was he mad' "YEAHH he went off tezz"

'he was propa goin off tezz'

'he went tezz'

'ill go off tezz'

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(verb) to tezz
tezzing, tezzed

There is a great debate amongst scholars as to the origins of the word tezz. The most popular view in contemporary tezz studies is that it was borne as an abbreviation of the word terrorise. However this is contested and some tezzologists believe it to be derived from the word tease.

Sal: "Jim came in with this massive spot on his fod the other day so we tezzed him all day so hes fallen out with us lolz"

Jamal: "im sick and tired of gettin tezzd coz i've got brown skin and love popadoms"

Jewish paul: "im sick and tired of getting tezzd because i have no foreskin"

Bob: "just tezzing jamal on facebook, i hacked him and put '<3 <3 luvin popadoms 2k9' on his status LOLZ"

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Tezz is an amazing Goddess. As she patrols down these chats everyone praises her presences as if she fell from heaven. The crowd always cheers her on as she makes her way waving. The chat loves tezz. They think she is the best Mod in this server. She will forever reign these channels.

Tezz is an adorable goddess and everyone loves her

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