Definder - what does the word mean?

What is teaberry?


"@Teaberry hop on PSO2"

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teaberry - video


Teaberry - what is it?

A girl with this as her nickname is often adorable and short. She is kind-hearted but sometimes there will still people that she dislikes. She is Hardworking, never give up and creative. In the place with her, it is full of her loud speaking sound and laughing. Every boy's heart will melt when dealt with her splendid smiling. She will never want to miss a chance to dressing herself while outing.

Teaberry is so rare and she is existing in the world.

👍25 👎11

What does "teaberry" mean?

When you teabag a girl and you have dingleberries.

I had a one night stand last night and gave her a teaberry.

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