Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tavae?

A beautiful boy that is constantly funny.mostly boring when your on the phone with him.His smile makes you fall in love.Tavae can be mean but is always there. If you find a tavae keep him and never let him go

Girl 1:did you hear about the new kid tavae he is cute and funny
Girl 2:I wish I had me a tavae

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tavae meme gif

tavae - video


Tavae - what is it?

Tavas is an awesome smart dude

Tavas is me

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What does "tavae" mean?

When you think and dream of cheating on your find with an incredibly hot woman but it turns out you were just exchanging messages with a bored and overworked male lawyer.

His brilliant wit and drab work life enabled him to pull off a hot tava moment.

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Tavae - what does it mean?

A species of mammal that resides exclusively in Victoria park London. Great cigarette roller; amazing speller; allround hook up gal; choade; one half of wildly successful band "Drummer Wanted".

A girl in a pub exclaims loudly "I don't even speak English". Common reply being; " Oh my choade that girl is such a Tava Oh"

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Tavae - meaning

Ur mum who sucks everything out of your dad

Eric is tava mate for emily

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Tavae - definition

A Low Cost Provider on the "Big Whore Network". Her singing abilities have been compared to Hillary Duff and make our ears want to retreat! She's also the Original Korean.

"If you don't stop acting like that people will think you're a Tava!"

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Tavae - slang

Doing a tavas or tavasing, is the act of simultaneously brushing your teeth while pissing in the sink.

I didn’t have time to get ready today so I had to do a tavas

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One of the coolest chicks in the world. She knows how to party, and yet, has a huge heart and is deeply compassionate with her less gifted, witless Tara friends.

The girl is such a tava, party on girl!

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Totally rockin' chick from the midwest. Everyone loves a Tava and wants to be friends with a Tava. She is hip. She is cool. She rocks!

That girl is such a Tava I wish I was like her!

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Bringer of joy,love, and peace. Universal healer and being of alchemical, transformational abilities. Related with the tripple goddess of the moon; mother, maiden, and crone; reminding us to embrace each season of life.

Tava brings many blessings to this earth.

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