Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tatyana?

has fat mommy milkies

Tatyana has big jugs bro

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tatyana - meme gif

tatyana meme gif

tatyana - video


Tatyana - what is it?

An interesting person that would be a good friend. You might mess up a couple and she might hate for it, but at the end day you don’t know what she thinks.

β€œTatyana can I call you TT?”

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What does "tatyana" mean?

a variant of Tatiana (Russian, Latin). means "The queen of fairies." generally very attractive, nice girl. has a somewhat dark humor; to tickle buttholes.

"thats one hot tatyana"
"would you like me to tatyana you?"

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Tatyana - what does it mean?

Tatyana is basically the definition of perfection. She's smart and loving. Become her friend and you two will never end! She hates when people purposely are trying to start a conflict. She'll tell you stories, help you with your homework, and overall a really great friend.

Girl: "It's so boring here!"
Guy: "Let's invite Tatyana! She'll definitely lift our mood!"

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Tatyana - meaning

A pretty, smart girl who has a very high level of intellect but doesn't like to show it because she doesn't want to seem snobby.
Her innermost darkest secret is hat she's self injerous.
She may brush her feelings to the side in front of other people, but she takes all opinions to heart. If is upse, she will take it out on herself. She wants everyone to be happy, but she puts others before herself in many instances.

you are tatyana`

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Tatyana - definition

One of the most fascinating girls you will ever come across. She is very sassy, bad ass, ruthless, athletic, sexy, gangsta, smart, outgoing, goofy, great sense of style, confident, and beautiful. She has a personality everyone would fall in love with. She's one of the downest bitches you will meet. She'll ride till the wheels fall off. She's definitely someone you don't wanna fuck with because if you do she'll be sure to come after you. She's super friendly but if you get on her bad side she'll make your life HELL. She'll fight or argue if she feels disrespected or attacked. She's strong, bold, and prideful to everyone and don't take no ones shit. She's very strong minded and knows what she wants and what she's capable of.

Tatyana is a crazy ass bitch.

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Tatyana - slang

A girl who is very sassy, smart, outgoing, and most of the time, confident.

She seems strong and bold to those all around, but at home, she's viewed as sensitive.

Family and friends are blind to her real emotions

My name is Tatyana

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Tatyana is beautiful as ever inside and out. An angel in disguise. She has very many admirers but doesn’t even realize it sometimes because of her humility and tunnel-like focus. She’s often in her own world, wondering what she could do better to improve on herself. But everyone else already sees perfection because she is. She has many who are jealous of her behind the scenes. Several who are intimidated by her potential. She has an aura that’s easy to fall in love with. A voice as sweet as candy. Sex appeal that’s desirable to many. Most of all, Tatyana is a nurturer, someone who cares. Someone who loves. Someone who is loyal and will ride with you until the end. Tatyana is a woman you’d never want to lose. Tatyana is a friend. A partner. A wife.

β€œAye bruh there go TatyanaπŸ˜β€

Tatyana so damn fine.

β€œI wish I had somebody like Tatyana.”

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Tatyana- is the most caring person you could ever hang out with, she will make you laugh intill you explode,

She is very confident about her self, never afraid to show different colors,she is very smart , wonderful heart in and out!!!

Tatyana also hates when people hate when people have something to say about her behind her back,she loves when people come up to her face to say something

Tatyana also loves to party, and get funky and have lots of friends and people enjoy her being her around!!!

Did you see that girl Tatyana on stage last night??

Tatyana made me laugh my ass off when I was pissedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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the most beautiful russian i've ever seen in my life. she's funny, smart, and annoyingly cute. if u date her you'll be the happiest person ever

tatyana is beautiful

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