Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tarquinius?

Roman leader who listed raping, pillaging and plundering among his highest interests. Had a long plait. Used it to strangle unsuspecting males.

"Oho! Oh no! Tarquinius Superbus has just raped, pillaged and plundered me with his plait!"

👍35 👎17

tarquinius - video


Tarquinius - what is it?

Roman leader who listed raping, pillaging and plundering among his highest interests. Had a long plait. Used it to strangle unsuspecting males.

"Oho! Oh no! Tarquinius Superbus has just raped, pillaged and plundered me with his plait!"

👍39 👎15

What does "tarquinius" mean?

When a person conducts themselves in the most exemplary way possible. The person will be very toff-like.

A person rowing across a lake with arms flailing and un-coordinated, would be the opposite of someone executing the action in a tarquinius fashion. A tarquinius rower would not only display exemplary rowing skills, but will also be wearing only the finest attire and will be outstandingly groomed.

👍35 👎11