Definder - what does the word mean?

What is talha?

My pookie

Talha is my pookie

👍25 👎13

talha - meme gif

talha meme gif

talha - video


Talha - what is it?

Is the last original nigga' alive , stays in D-town Texas PIMP,playa, ETC

Grinding you kno what i keep in a linin nigga'z betta stay in line when you see a playa like me shinin'

👍365 👎267

What does "talha" mean?

an extremely sexy brown kid who is in a sate of permanent orgasm and will feel you up if you come too close. he is an international sex symbol and turns his own mom on.

talha imam

"***moan*** OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*** screams of pleasure ***TALHA!!!!!!!!!!!! TALHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!**OHHHHHHHHHH!!!****"

👍903 👎611

Talha - what does it mean?



👍27 👎11

Talha - meaning

A British young chap, a woman's magnet
They say he's the best one they'll ever have

All the sexy girls wanna do him

James 'did you see Talha, how does he always attract'
Juilett 'just look at him'

👍113 👎37

Talha - definition

Talha is a name that describes sexy and hot and spectacular. It also means that everyone that is near him, gets that dailig padd in there faces. The best of all is that when ur with talha, he never leaves you mee mindre mamma ringer 😉

Your a talha, it meens ur deilig

👍25 👎13

Talha - slang

The BEST friend you'll ever have. The most honest and sensitive guy you'll ever meet. He will also be slightly secretive, shy at first, and reserved. His heart will be a rock to get through to. But once you've managed that, the rush of feelings and emotions will be unstoppable. Warning : NEVER lie to or hide anything from talha. that WILL make him furious.

You : 'Talha i'm so sorry i swear i meant to tell you, it's just that i forgot. Please, i'm so sorry. Youre not mad at me right? I swear i wasnt' hiding anything.'

Talha : 'Okay.'

👍817 👎165


In arabic, it means a very big tree. It is a very beautiful name.

Talha means a big tree in arabic and it shows that this person named Talha is very helpful just like the big tree that gives people some shade when it's very sunny and hot and also that produces oxygen during the day and enabling that world to breathe. And also very kind and giving.

👍1061 👎129


A very different breed of male, he has the most beautiful and pure soul one could ever discover. A strong warrior- like personality outside but inside he's a soft and fragile person. He'll make your day better just by existing. His smile can make the darkest of rooms the brightest ; maybe the brightest but holds a dictionary of meaning in it. A library of words cant explain how much euphoria this man brings into everyone's life. He tends to underestimate his looks and his personality but he doesn't see how beautiful he is. He's that guy you see in the football court, standing with his hands on his hip, his beautiful sparkly eyes roaming around the court observing; just existing and you cant help but feel a tiny spark in your heart when you see him, yes he's that attractive. Talha has taken part in a lot of battles, very unfair battles, where he lost many times. Battles caused by his loved ones, which broke him into pieces, he tries his best to look for them but every step he takes. He's an angel with a shotgun, he fights each and every battle with grace, he doesn't fear his fall. He gets back up stronger. An outter shell may remain the toughest but it still has that soft side inside, no matter how much you try, it will never harden. If you ever meet a talha, please take good care of him. He's something you will regret losing.

#hey! Look at this Talha's drawings; he's so talented.
#look, it's that handsome guy from the football match the other day, go say hi to Talha

👍211 👎23


sexy badass canadian'll jizz your pants just looking at him.
he is obsession with the number 23 that chicks find to be hot.
he is also a self proclaimed baller n can take 3 pointers with blindfolds.
once a talha is turned on he wont give up untill he bones you anal.talha's are also very friendly and popular.

" dude..talha just took 6 3 pointers in a row"
"thats nothing..last night he fucked 5 chicks at once"

👍391 👎151