Definder - what does the word mean?

What is taiwo?

a kid with a huge dick and lovely eyes . he's also cute and handsome

6 inches dick=taiwo

👍25 👎19

taiwo - meme gif

taiwo meme gif

taiwo - video


Taiwo - what is it?

Solomon B Taiwo is an Actor and author

Solomon B Taiwo is known for if she doesn't like chicken shes, not for me

👍25 👎11

What does "taiwo" mean?

A person, usually a boy known overdoing things and trying to outdo others.

That guy is such a taiwo

👍39 👎95

Taiwo - what does it mean?

Taiwo is an amazing, cute, loving, and fun girl. She is a person to meet when you are down and when she is upset she is usually a mess but the offender does not go unpunished.

I wish I had a best friend like Taiwo

👍189 👎57

Taiwo - meaning

A name given to one of the two twins born in a Yoruba tribe. A person with a very fragile but good heart. He/she sacrifices his/her own happiness to make people around him/her happy. A very brilliant mind but usually shy person.

Learn from Taiwo
Can't you be like Taiwo

👍353 👎27

Taiwo - definition

the first born of sets of twins.

Taiwo was born on januray 7th and so was kehinde

👍221 👎81