Definder - what does the word mean?

What is t r a?

A quick, great handling, piece of crap built by Chrysler/Dodge. Would be a great compact car if things would quit breaking and falling off. Great if you wanna show a Honda Civic how shitty it really is. A good buy if you want something cheap that doesnt have to have lots of money put into it for good performance. Good engine, transmission, and suspension but everything else likes to break.

Look at that Neon R/T break that Civic's balls.
Haha, that Neon R/T killed that Saturn but lost a, wait, what is that, well something fell off in the process.

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t r a - video


T r a - what is it?


β€œOkay beetlejuice here’s your question, how do you spell red?”

β€œBeetle juice: β€œL S T E R”

β€œGreat job”

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What does "t r a" mean?

internet abbreviation for "with regards to"

i agree w/r/t your post about global warming

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T r a - what does it mean?

Like N Hard R or Hard R. But instead I think it means "Tigger". Just coz its better then Nigger.

"I dare you to drop the T Hard R"

"The what."

"The T Har-"

"stfu you pedo"

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T r a - meaning

Dodge's performance versions of cars back in the muscle era. (aka Dodge Charger R/T or Coronet R/T)

R/T stands for Road and Track

1969 Dodge Charger...(drools all over keyboard)

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T r a - definition

"real time" -- meaning that you want to meet a person in real life (and have sex with them) instead of chatting on the computer and having cybersex

I'm looking for r/t now.

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T r a - slang

"Rub & Tug" - "R&T": a term used by asian/russian massage parlor customers to describe a full body massage followed by a hand release

"In Chinatown, I went to this independent provider who gave me an 'R&T' for an extra $20 da la!!!"

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T r a

Short for tuck and roll. A person tuck and rolls when they bail from a moving vehicle. Blood and shit stains are commonly seen for multiple mile markers.

Dude, Justin got so mad in the car yesterday that he t and r'd while she was going 70mph down i 635.

Did that guy in front of us just t and r?

There ain't enough room in this car for the two of us, BYE!

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T r a

A game closely assosiated with H-O-R-S-E. This game is played on a trampoline.

"lets go play some T-R-A-M-P"

" I beat him T-R to T-R-A-M-P"

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T r a

the T R A is a association of paid internet posters..we have long known that there are people paid to publish mis information ,,false information ,,,and incorrect data ,to back certain political agendas . we have had no moniker to identify them T R A stands for the Treasonous Rats Association .....I believe that people who are doing this are selling out the country

from that reply to my post you must be a T R A member.

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