Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tFG?

The being who controls the cumzone. His power is directly proportional to the amount of under age girls he's come into contact with. His chromosomes are limitless, so are his deep WhatsApp statuses... We are lucky he spends all his time playing monster girl island otherwise the world would be in grave danger

Person 1: What a cute child over there


*AmongusTrapRemix.mp3 plays*

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tFG - meme gif

tFG meme gif

tFG - video


TFG - what is it?

Short for โ€œToo Far Gone.โ€ Generally attributed to die-hard Trump supporters who will believe anything that comes out of his mouth and have a blatant disregard for evidence, science, and the truth. Includes anti-vaxxers, racists, voter fraud conspiracy theorists, and Karenโ€™s.

I showed her 15 research studies disproving voter fraud, and she replies to me with a TikTok clip of a guy allegedly burning โ€˜ballotsโ€™ - sheโ€™s just TFG.

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What does "tFG" mean?

Taken for granted... something that happens in our generation a lot because we cant be mature enough to love each other

Iโ€™m always getting TFG

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TFG - what does it mean?

This Fuckin Guy - one considered badass, insane, awesome, or a douche bag. Fits in just about anywhere you feel like putting it, much like thats what she said

May be used in past tense as That Fuckin Guy.

Friend "yo did you hear i threw down and wrecked some shit last night?"

You "TFG right here TFG, always ownin house"

Past Tense
Friend "yo did you hear about Jimmy?"

You " TFG right there TFG, always wreckin shop"

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TFG - meaning

Acronym for "That Fucking Guy". Uncommon, but widespread particularly in gamer parlance.

"Don't be TFG"
"I ran into a TFG at the tournament"
"There are a million TFGs on that server"

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TFG - definition

Too Far Gone. Used by some political pundits to describe people who are so firm in their belief in the opposite political ideology that they cannot be reasoned with, and will always defend the politicians incarnating that ideology no matter what.

A lot of Donald Trump supporters are TFG and we can't reason with them, but a lot of other Trump supporters only support him because of his populist rhetoric, and it's these people that the Democrats should try to convince.

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TFG - slang

Acronym for "Thank Fucking God" Not that common, but used in message boards.

OMG! At first I thought Mike hooked up with that alien-looking girl, but I was mistaken. TFG.

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An abbreviation most commonly used on Twitter to describe the disgraced, double impeached, 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. โ€œThe Former Guyโ€ aka D.J.T. = T.F.G. Trumpโ€™s dreaded nickname.

โ€œIโ€™ve got to say I loved it when Joe Biden described Donald Trump as โ€œthe former guy.โ€ Gail Collins, NY Times.

โ€œI want TFG arrestedโ€.

โ€œTFG released 5000 Taliban Terrorists from prison in 2020 and negotiated a deal with themโ€.

โ€œThe former guyโ€โ€”not โ€œmy predecessor,โ€ not โ€œthe 45th presidentโ€

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An abreviation of "Too Far Gone" or "Too Fucking Gone," coined by Kyle Kulinski, a political commentator and host of Secular Talk. The phrase is used to describe people who are so far right on the political spectrum that there is no hope for changing their mind on anything.

Bob: You hear about that crazy dude denying the holocaust?
Gil: Jesus, he's just TFG. Disturbing.

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Referring to the 45th President of the United States, โ€œthe former guyโ€, or sometimes, โ€œthat f***ing guyโ€

Often used as a hashtag.

Benjamin Netanyahu is set to be ousted in June 14th. On trumps birthday. ๐Ÿ˜‚ happy birthday to #TFG

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