Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tEMMIE?

an orignal breakfast

this morning i had temmie flakes. i have AIDS now

👍159 👎13

tEMMIE - meme gif

tEMMIE meme gif

tEMMIE - video


TEMMIE - what is it?

Anyone you know bearing this name is most definitely a misunderstood genius who derives joy in debating and making arguments. Such a person can also be very charismatic and extremely hilarious. From a romantic perspective, a true lover boy, very charming, sweet, understanding and caring

I met this guy, Temmy, a few months ago and he is a character.

Temmy bought me flowers and took me out to the beach on my birthday. I love this boy!

👍27 👎13

What does "tEMMIE" mean?

Name for a painfull penis after too much jerking off.

Man, I pulled so hard that i have a bloody temmy...

👍101 👎143

TEMMIE - what does it mean?

a charater from undertale; also stupid

i went to the Temmie

👍109 👎141

TEMMIE - meaning


hOi! i'M tEMMIE!

👍29 👎11

TEMMIE - definition

Alice's little sister.

*Alice cuddles Temmie*

👍35 👎11

TEMMIE - slang

A Undertale Character that is a dog. Which The Gender is your decision! Also Most Have bad Grammar and speech. Only One is good at grammar and Speech... But bad at being happy. P.S I am a Temmie With SuperPowers

Undertale © By Toby Fox Most art by Chang Temmie /Temmie Chang

Stop Undertale character Gender assuming

Hoi I'm Temmie

👍125 👎41



TEMMIS is gamer.

👍25 👎11




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hOI!!!!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!!

👍247 👎21