Definder - what does the word mean?

What is supertastical?

adjective- remarkable incredible feeling, extremely good

I am doing fan-supertastic today ! The rode today was extremely good, fan-supertastic!

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supertastical - meme gif

supertastical meme gif

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Supertastical - what is it?

)James Brown (god father of soul)

)James Brown is a supertastic soul.

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What does "supertastical" mean?

Someone whose taste buds are particularly sensitive. A supertaster can identify the exact ingredients used in a recipe by analyzing a single bite. Being forced to eat certain foods can be bizarrely difficult for a supertaster.

"Why won't he try the ratatouille?"

"He's a supertaster. It would hurt him."

Skills Food sensitivities outside the norm

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Supertastical - what does it mean?

Derived from the Song titled 'John lee Supertaster" by They Might Be Giants. To a supertaster bitter fruits taste far more bitter and sweets, far more sweet. These Supertasters walk among us.

John Lee Supertaster tastes more than we'll know, Everything has a flavor some flavors must go!

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Supertastical - meaning

When something is better than super and fantastic combined. Better than millions of flailing penguins. And when squiddles aren't a good enough measuring device for happiness. That's supertastic!

"Thom is the most supertastic baby in the world!"

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Supertastical - definition

1. excellent
with outstanding or excellent qualities

2. superb
greater than what is normal

3. great
used to express enthusiasm, approval, or agreement

4. hella good
used to express amazement at and approval of some event or piece of information

Was that Lost Season 2 finale supertastic or not, Mel?!

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Supertastical - slang

To say that something was over the top awesome; to compliment someone on their awesome moments or themselves; The way of explaining uber-awesomeness (Adjective)

"Dude, you are Supertastical"
"That was a Supertastical Killionaire!"
"This is way Supertastical!"

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super + fantastic + indecision over which word to use

"How was the concert?"
"It was totally supertastic!"

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So tasty you forgot the y.

Tristan: Yo. these peanut butter cups are supertaste.

Charles: SUPERTASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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