Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stupid stupid?

When the consequence of a dumb action was entirely forseeable and results in dumb consequences.

A man raped a horse then the horse kicked him to death."

"*shrug* You play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

👍71 👎19

stupid stupid - video


Stupid stupid - what is it?

A warning that dictates that intentionally doing something agreed to be foolish or stupid will only result in negative consequences for the person doing the idiotic thing.

Jack apparently looked down the barrel of his pistol to see why it wasn't firing. It seems he didn't remember the maxim of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" and blew his brains out on accident.

👍125 👎13

What does "stupid stupid" mean?

Honestly one of the worst comebacks you could ever say to someone.

A: your a nigger zipper head chink looking banana eating tree nigger head ass kike ugly ass.
B: well your a stupid dumb dumb stupid dumbass.
B: faggot
A: fucking vanishes from existence

👍37 👎23

Stupid stupid - what does it mean?

a catch-all term that basically means that stupid people are gonna keep on doing stupid things because that's what they are, period. The term was popularized in the 1994 Tom Hanks 3-hour blockbuster movie Forrest Gump.

1. Look at several trends, fads and fashions from the past number of years. Many things got dumber and dumber and in this 21st Century many stupid people did evil and stupid things and a lot of people fell for all the lies and B.S. Stupid is as stupid does. Abe Lincoln said you can't fool all the people all of the time. I hope to God he was right.

2. ...
"If God gives you nothin' but lemons, then you make some lemonade"
"The early bird catches the fuckin' worm,
Rome wasn't built in a day"

"Now life's like a box of chocolates,
You never know what you're going to get"
"Stupid is as stupid does and all the rest of that shit"

Come'on pretty baby, call my bluff
'Cause for you my best was never good enough

Bruce Springsteen

👍379 👎893

Stupid stupid - meaning

It means that an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. You are what you do.

Another variation is "beauty is as beauty does" or "ugly is as ugly does".

"are you stupid or something?"
"stupid is as stupid does"

👍2503 👎447

Stupid stupid - definition

when someone or something is reeeeeeeaaaallly reaaallly very very extreemly dumb.

Over stupid.

Too stupid to be stupid.

Beyond stupid.

Biggest cuss of intelligence.

Of West African decent.

You fool, how foil in the microwave? You must be stupid upon stupid

👍145 👎27

Stupid stupid - slang

A term for the world as it is now that people use when they can't find anything else to describe just how most of the people in the world are so ass stupid and how stupid it is as a whole and just how fucked up it is. Anyone who has had any experence with the world knows it is a perfect discription and if they don't know it they don't know Jack squat.

What a stupid stupid fucking world it is.

👍63 👎55

Stupid stupid

1. int. a term often used by the heroic cast of the graphic novel series Bone, whenever the two main rat creatures do something unquestionably stupid

2. int. a term used to show disgust towards people who have done something really stupid, usu. when this results in major inconvenience to you and/or them and usu. with "rat creatures" substituted for the people you wish to insult

"Those rat creatures would have to be pretty stupid to follow me on this frail, little branch!" - Fone Bone
"Stupid, stupid rat creatures!" - Fone Bone when the rat creatures follow him on the frail, little branch

👍153 👎21

Stupid stupid

A person who is more stupid than a regular stupid.

"God you're a STUPID STUPID!"

👍63 👎37

Stupid stupid

A phrase uttered when some one does some thing stupider than stupid. stupid. Often said by Milhouse Van Houten on the Simpsons.

Bart Simpson: Wait, we still got one more letter!
Milhouse Van Houten: Is it....three?
Bart Simpson: That's not a letter!
Milhouse Van Houten: Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! (banging his head)

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