Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stolas?

A loser

You are being such a stola right now

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stolas - meme gif

stolas meme gif

stolas - video


Stolas - what is it?

Another word for Weed mostly used In Miami Florida by overtown, little Havana, wynwood, etc.

Where the stola at bro?!

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What does "stolas" mean?

Stolas is the person I want to fuck. No apologies. None at all. I want to fuck stolas. I would GLADLY take blitzo's place.

"Hey dude who's your favourite helluva boss character?" "Stolas." "NICE"

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Stolas - what does it mean?

Stolas (In mythology) is a Prince of Hell, other known as the Owl Demon.

You may have heard of him in Helluva Boss, which is why you're quite curious.

"Stolas? Stolaaas!!!"

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Stolas - meaning

Red smiley "banana" of yours.

This is a really bad time Stolas!

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Stolas - definition

A British horny owl from a show called Helluva Boss. Some facts about him are that he has daddy issues and is the most bottom being you've ever seen.

"Who's your favorite character in Helluva Boss?"
"Definitely Stolas"

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Stolas - slang

A Very, very Horny Owl. He loves singing lullabies to his daughter Octavia. He has a lover names BlitzΓΈ. Stolas speaks in a very rich, royal way (he is royal afterall)
He is an amazing character from the Animated series by Vivziepop (Vivienne Medrano) on Youtube. (This series has 7 Episodes but theres another season coming in 2022.)

BlitzΓΈ: "what!?"
Stolas: "Blitzy~"
BlitzΓΈ: "oh, Stolas. The fuck do you want?"

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A British horny owl from a show called Helluva Boss. Some facts about him is that he has daddy issues, and is the most bottom being ever.

"Who's your favorite character in Helluva Boss?"
"Definitely Stolas"

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The best owl boy prince in hell

Stolas is my fav character. Just look at how sexy he is.

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A horny owl from a show called β€˜Helluva Boss’
10/10 recommend the show

β€œHey dude, what’s your favorite helluva boss character?”
β€œNice nice,”

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