Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stockin'?

A polymer material that people wear on their heads to protect their heads from any possible situation.such as a windy weather. Or just used as an accessory in daily life.

See, I don't get what's so going trendy with all this doo-rags and them stockin' caps man!

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stockin' meme gif

stockin' - video


Stockin' - what is it?

A rural irish expression to state your lack of interest in a particular subject.

Liam: Hey did you see Steve got one of them new iPhones?

Johnny: You know what, I couldn't give a stockin o shite what that hoor got!

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What does "stockin'" mean?

Gun, term used by the rapper Drakeo the Ruler

“I got pippy long stockin in the safe with me

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Stockin' - what does it mean?

Riding in a car with stock wheels. No need for rims if the stox are already dope.

"Yo man that 'Ville is stockin' out of control"

"Shit aw. Its the 2Kseis. Don't chop it if it don't need to be chopped nigga?"

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