Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stinky winky?

Someone whom is stinky like a winky

Girl 0.5: I forgot the book
Girl 1: your such a stinky winky

👍25 👎13

stinky winky - video


Stinky winky - what is it?

Verb: The act of getting your dick wet.

Some dude: Bro I just got my winky stinky!
Other dude: Dude bro, who'd you get your winky stinky with?
Dude 1: Your sister bro!

👍31 👎19

What does "stinky winky" mean?

The situation of having a smelly penis. for any reason possible, the male ends up with a unpleasent aroma on his penis and therefore has a "stinky winky"

Guy# 1: dude, i fucked this one chick in the ass, she forgot to wipe.

Guy# 2: o man, you got owned, you and your stinky winky

Guy# 1: so, at least it wasnt as bad as when i did your mom, that shit needs some raid

Guy# 2: well im not the one going around getting my pecker all raunchy, so stfu

👍115 👎101

Stinky winky - what does it mean?

The proper terminology for a man's mighty meat hammer post-penetration

Man A: Yo did you hear that John got his Winky Stinky?
Man B: Yo, that's crazy he got a stinky winky now.

👍61 👎17

Stinky winky - meaning

pn. Lani
adj. an endearing term to describe one smelling funny without the smell

come here stinky winky!
you're so stinky winky.

👍113 👎51