Definder - what does the word mean?

What is steffing?

Stefan is a handsome man, loves video games, and is lonely

Stefan is handsome, lonely and loves video games

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steffing - meme gif

steffing meme gif

steffing - video


Steffing - what is it?

When a girl's breasts are popping out of her shirt/dress/bikini top.

My friend stef always wears low shirts so we say you're steffing as a code word or joke.

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What does "steffing" mean?

A dude who is not social but still has friends for some reason.

If u ask him Stef will u help me he will say: No now go away

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Steffing - what does it mean?

The eye roll Emoji, describing someone that has just sassed you.

I just got "The Stef" from Dave, totally sassed me!

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Steffing - meaning

a person who doesn't laugh at farts

stef: ok guys i don't understand why are you laughing at this. it's basically toilet humor and it's not funny even a bit.

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Steffing - definition

to stef a bowl (of weed) is to basically use it as a microphone and instead of hitting it, you just hold it and talk and talk and talk...

"come on man, quit stefing the bowl and hit it already"

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Steffing - slang

woe betide the lad that crosses this kitty, because 'claws-out' has never had such a definition

Stefness: coz he's a ..."lazy good for nothing who's never worked a day in his life and sits around smoking and watching television"

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Rocks the party that rocks your body!

Her bangin' reggaeton moves at Diego parties.

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Stef is a man who has almost every every trait a man whould need such as beauty, brain, body, fighting skills and he is also a king

Our king is perfect he is stef

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The rarest human being alive. She is a cute little dinosaur that only the luckiest of people have her in their lives. She's a person you only meet once in two or more lifetimes. She's the purest and most loving person ever. Hard work and endurance to keep going on and on whatever life throws at her way is her true definition. She has the most beautiful smile and the most gazy worthy eyes you'll ever see. Once you have her in your life, you'll contantly think about her and she'll make you a better person. But always put Effort. She's important and she is worth everything.

Yo man are you feeling better?
Yes dude I got Stef in my life everything's awesome.

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