Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stargating?

a big circular ring kida flushes sidways, u know what i mean, capable of almost instatanious travel between connecting stargates (usally about 3 seconds), anyway dont get in the way or the unstable vortex (kawoosh) it will sort of kill u, oh yeah matter cannot rematerialise on the other end untill the whole unit has passed through, god speed.

"ya know big round thing flushes sideways" : J O'neill
"tell him mr man who has the stargate is hear" : J O'neill

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stargating - meme gif

stargating meme gif

stargating - video


Stargating - what is it?

(n.) In the 10-cup, "Beirut" variation of Beer Pong, the Stargate (a.k.a. Chevron 7) is a re-rack called at 7 cups in which a traditional Beeramid is formed with the 7th cup placed immediately above and touching the apex.

Zack, we need a re-rack against these B.O.O.T. fellows. Let's get the Stargate, please.

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What does "stargating" mean?

It's kind of a ring thing, comes with a "dialer". You hit the symbols, it spins around, lights come on... kinda flushes sideways. See below for usage:

We've got hostiles, repeat, we've got hostiles! Get to the Stargate and DIAL!!! NOW!!

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Stargating - what does it mean?

That big round thing, with water that stands up for itself.

If you're in front of the stargate when you hear "incoming wormhole"... DUCK!

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Stargating - meaning

A sci-fi movie that came out in 1994. Starred Kurt Russel and James Spader.

It is now a popular television series called Stargate SG-1.

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Stargating - definition

A large round stone circle. Bunch of symbols, spins around... ya can't miss it.

The Stargate is a portal to another world... another world with Amanda Tapping!

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Stargating - slang

Stargate - it’s a great big world.

With a great big swirl that you step inside to another world.

We’re talking Stargate. It’s a crazy trip.

You can go quite far and you don’t need a car or even a ship.

There’s Colonel O’Neill and Carter and Daniel and Teal’c.

Look out for that Goa’uld.

Stargate owns my life.

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Fans of the movie Stargate and/or the tv show Stargate SG-1 and usually also of it's spin-off, Stargate Atlantis
also knowns as gaters.

my best friends is a stargater

Gaters's headquartes is gateworld

Stargaters are very smart to understand all 9 seasons of the show

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Stargazing under the influence of an hallucinogenic drug.

That astronomer just took acid and now he thinks he's David Bowman stargating!

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A massive, circular ring with an inner track of 39 symbols representing star constellations, capable of sending people and objects hundreds of thousands of lightyears via an interstellar conduit called a "wormhole." The Stargate, constructed millenia ago by the Ancients, is made of the alien mineral naquadah and weighs about 64,000 pounds.
One side of the gate holds nine equally-spaced, V-shaped locking mechanisms, or "chevrons," capable of locking at least seven constellations in place via a freely-spinning inner track. The first six glyphs lock down a point in space, while the seventh represents the point of origin. When the seventh chevron locks, an unstable energy vortex emerges from the gate, incinerating everything in its wake. Once the vortex is gone and the event horizon is established, outbound travel may commence. Once objects have exited the other side, the Stargate has the capability of shutting itself off.

The Stargate network extends beyond our own galaxy, and includes many thousands of gates. Most gates are paired with a Dial-Home Device (D.H.D.), by which a user dials an address to another world. The S.G.C. does not have a D.H.D., and instead has rigged a computer system to access the gate's systems and dial addresses.

The Stargate is essentially an enormous superconductor, capable of harnessing power from a wide variety of energy sources, especially electricity. The inner track is a safety feature. When the gate has absorbed enough energy this track will unlock, allowing a manual dial in case something dire has occurred to the D.H.D.

The stargate is located on Sublevel 28 at the SGC.

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