Definder - what does the word mean?

What is spoder?

When a group of 3 or more men ejaculate at once on to a woman's face, creating a spiderweb-like design

Tim: Hey bro, so I was spodering all over Melissa last night.
Jerry: Damn, bro, so was I!

Tim: Damn...

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spoder - meme gif

spoder meme gif

spoder - video


Spoder - what is it?

A spoder is a latin term for a dopey shit head loner that got dropped a few to many times on the head or is just a drug fucked shithead that cant even string a fucking sentence together.

Guy1: bruh i think that painting is good.
Spoder:whaa juu fuckenn say i caint heeer u ova mee fuckenn coke snooortin moit

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What does "spoder" mean?

a spoder is a little curly shit

"i just left a mean spoder in the toilet come check it out man!"
"Aicha looks like a big spoder"

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