Definder - what does the word mean?

What is spinkter?

A blowjob from the mouth using the lips

I was with my date last night and the oral spinkter was great! Never cum Soo hard in my life!

👍25 👎11

spinkter - video


Spinkter - what is it?

One whose lips seem to always be wrapped around something weather it is another line of bull they are spewing or a same sex partner spewing.

I wish old Spinkter Lips would shut the hell up. I am tired of hearing about his late night bathroom escapades between he and Chuck.

👍31 👎13

What does "spinkter" mean?

A small doughnut with pink frosting; anything pink, round, and delicious.

Can I have a taste of your spinkter?

👍47 👎23

Spinkter - what does it mean?

its the skin around your poopy hole!!!! it tastes good

👍133 👎63