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What is speed-bag?

When a man is running and his ballsack hits up against the side of his leg

" Oh Shit, Honey I just speed bagged myself again." "I think they're turning black and blue again".

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speed-bag meme gif

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Speed-bag - what is it?

A rapidly performed version of the punching bag.

After Herman gave Bonnie the speed bag for a good 7 minutes, he fell to the floor and clutched his lower abdomen in pain because of his extremely sore testicles.

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What does "speed-bag" mean?

A cousin to the "motorboat." Where one places there face on the scrotum and "motorboats" instead of the breasts.

Tired of the routine foreplay, Emile insisted on a quick speed-bag prior to fellatio to get him going.

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Speed-bag - what does it mean?

A womans breasts
(To be honest, we're not entirely sure how this came about)

She had awesome speed bags.
Look at the speed bags on that.

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Speed-bag - meaning

A clitoris that has excessive sag often resembling a boxing speed bag.

I finally pulled off Mary's panties only to discover she has a gigantic speed bag. I proceeded to get my boxing workout done while simultaneously pleasuring her.

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Speed-bag - definition

To slap one's testicles across another individual's face (esp. forehead). Similar to tea bagging, however in this case the sack is not rested on the deponent, but rather used as an instrument of assault.
Speed bagging is often done to humiliate and/or shame the person upon which it is inflicted. It is also valuable for its humorous quality.
This activity is solely engaged in between males, and would be frowned upon as vulgar and inappropriate if executed upon a female. As with tea-bagging, this act is never considered homoerotic, although the deponent might be derided as a "fag" anyway.

The next time you black out I'm gonna fuckin speed bag your faggot ass, you fuckin light-weight.

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Speed-bag - slang

To diddle the clit rapidly until orgasm. The act takes on the visual of a boxer hitting the speed bag. Also known as "speed bagging the clit" or "speed bag the clit"

You say you're eating her out yet no orgasm yet? Are you not speed bagging her? Well, then there's your problem, many women need their clit speed bagged to reach orgasm.

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A sexual act wherein one male partner maintains a squatting position whilst the other partner, male or female, lays underneath and goes to pound town on the testicles with both their fists.

"why can't you walk straight?"
"I was on the receiving end of speed bagging last night"

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When a man hits the womans uvula repeatedly with his cock

My favorite part of foreplay is the Speed Bagging

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To punch someones testicles repeatedly as with a speed-bag used in boxing.

Adam: What would you do if my penis slipped into your mouth?
Spork: I'd speed-bag your testicles.

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