Definder - what does the word mean?

What is spacedocking?

A biodegradable, environmentally friendly dildo. Created by wrapping a long, relatively thick poo in cling film, freezing it, unwrapping it from the clingfilm and using it for said purpose

the batteries on my rampant rabbit have run out so im going to try spacedocking

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spacedocking - video


Spacedocking - what is it?

One who endeavors in the pursuit of defecating, in a sexual manner, into the confines of a prevalent sexual orifice (both the vaginal cavity as well as the rectum are accepted entrance locations).

The spacedocker pooped inside my dad's butt hole this morning.

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What does "spacedocking" mean?

To shit in the vagina.

After some fun times, Luke spacedocked Marissa.

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Spacedocking - what does it mean?

Whereby a male or female human being deficates from his or her anus into the wide-open vagina of a female human being. Not to be confused with male on male or female on female poo-scissors, similar homosexual oriented sex acts, or any other non-human animal related "docking" act, which is just wrong.

"Dude, we were talking about spacedocking, and then she just opened her box and I spacedocked her with a monster turd."

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Spacedocking - meaning

The ultimate sign of trust between two men. One man takes his uncircumcised penis and envelops the head of another man's penis with it. It is expected that both men wear astronaut helmets and nothing else during the procedure.

Bridge, this is control.
We are preparing to board.
Initiating spacedock.
Foreskin opening, enveloping in T-Minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Trust engaged.

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Spacedocking - definition

v. spacedocked, spacedockΒ·ing, spacedocks

1. An activity performed in space during which two seperate vehicles or stations form an airtight attachment to each other, temporatily or permanantly.

2. A sexual activity performed before or after sexual intercourse, during which a man voids the contents of his bowels (feces) into a woman's vulva. Experts are unsure as to whether the act of spacedocking has ever been successfully completed, due to its extreme and lewd nature.

1. Shut up, I need to study this spacedocking manual if I'm ever going to be an astronaut.

2. Hey baby, wanna spacedock?

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Spacedocking - slang

when two people, usualy men, align their anuses to allow shit to travel betwwen them.

spacedocking is a sad & disturbing comentary on the state of humanity.

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When two men who aren't circumcised stand facing one another and the left guy peels back his own foreskin. The right man makes head-to-head contact with the left and wraps his foreskin around the left's penis. Then the left guy who peeled his own back puts his over the guys who is already covering his penis head, to form an airtight seal.

Two cosmonauts aboard the spacestation got ancy with their homosexual feelings, and decided to try spacedocking.

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Frozen human stool (usually male), which is placed within a knotted condom. Each end is placed within the anus of two gay men, who then pleasure themselves.

You don't need that much info!

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the act of crapping in a woman's vagina, thereby filling it with feces

The spacedocking Kirk gave Allyson on Saturday night was massive and warm.

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