Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sousa?

King Sousa is rare but a charecter with a great confidence and able to take on forces greater then him self. he is also the life of the party.

"That kid showed up and made his presence known he is king sousa.

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sousa - meme gif

sousa meme gif

sousa - video


Sousa - what is it?

A big Gayson who is annoying as hell that is a midget

Timmy Sousa is a turtle and a poop

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What does "sousa" mean?

(De Su Za)


1. to go back on a confirmed arrangement, appointment, plan or agreement. "She has De Sousa'ed on her promise."

2. to be the victim of a a person who broke their arrangement with you. "Alex didn't show up to your birthday after she confirmed? You've been De Sousa'ed!"


2. a person who lacks ability to follow through on confirmed plans or arrangements. "Sarah wont show again tonight, she's such a De Sousa."

Verb Phrases

3. De Sousa Style

a. to make reference of mimicking a persons habit of reneging on commitments. "Ohhh I'm not going to that party tonight, De Sousa Style"

1."She has De Sousa'ed on her promise."
2."Alex didn't show up to your birthday after she confirmed? You've been De Sousa'ed!"
3."Sarah wont show again tonight, she's such a De Sousa."
4. "Ohhh I'm not going to that party tonight, De Sousa Style"

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Sousa - what does it mean?

Bella Sousa is crazy AF, but everyone loves her cause she is amazing and funny. She's one of the best people , she enjoys food, and sports. She is super outgoing, crazy and funny. You will love Bella Sousa to death and she's an amazing lifelong friend. She is gorgeous on the inside and outside . And she likes broken dogs and teapots

That girl is hot af.... She must be a Bella Sousa

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Sousa - meaning

A "Sousa Girl" is a chick that thinks she is hot but is not , has copious amounts of makeup on her chubby face, wears abercrombie and hollister clothing that is way to small for her, smells of pall mall cigs and bad perfume, at the same time being an extremely easy lay.

Dude what's with the sousa girl?

I was bored and horny.

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Sousa - definition

a very sexy and attractive man. everyone wants him.

'damn, that guy was such a michael sousa'

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Sousa - slang

The certified non simp, little SUS but gets the puss, and telling the young kids to chase dreams not girls

Don’t be a simp be Evan Sousa

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Some chill asian that smokes a whole lot of weed

Sousa skipped japanese art class to go smoke weed with the bros

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A adj,noun,verb.
1.) A person who doesnt agree with anyone. This person is always right and tends to get into heated arguments often at social gatherings, thus looking extermely vulnerable to the rest of the people.
2.) A way of doing something with little or poor effort.

1.) "Dude i was at some party talking about football and this sousa started talking to me like he knew everything. ' so i beat his ass in front of everyone....what a sousa
2.) I really sousad that tee shot off 18. Screwed up my whole round, and i ended up with an engle.

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A family name, most commonly related to John Phillip Sousa, the musician and conductor that wrote the Star Bangled Banner.

Adrian Sousa takes after his ancestor when it comes to his musical, and artistic creativity.

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