Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sloppy gloppy?

A kind of sexual activity that involves filling a container with liquid poop, pouring it down the recipients vagina, and fucking them while shitting on their chest.

I gave Jane a sloppy gloppy yesterday, she sad my turd was warm on her tits.

👍27 👎25

sloppy gloppy - video


Sloppy gloppy - what is it?

When a woman gives you the best damn time of your life with a bj. Although doing this will make you forever a White cracker. Now when doing this you will never have it again and you will lose your rizz with the following. Sluts, whores, 9-year-olds, Men, women, and newborn babies, Transgenders, and other 72 monkey genders, meaning you will never have sex again.

Wow That was the best Sloppy Gloppy of my life, Although 9 year olds will never fuck me up again 😭

👍29 👎15