Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sling blade?

Have your woman in doggy in front of you and your equipment. Stand on something high enough so that your long schlong is above it. Release the stool and lean forward. Preform an acrobatic trick and insert your Peter the great into their behind.

Guy: Babe can we do The Rusty Sling Blade tonight?
Girl: Aw fine. But I get to peg you afterward.

👍27 👎11

sling blade - video


Sling blade - what is it?

A person who is slightly retarded, but is still fun to make fun of.

"My Uncle Carl is wearing his shoes on the wrong feet again, what a sling blade."

👍117 👎79

What does "sling blade" mean?

a really good film that was written, directed, and staring billy bob thorton.

" Some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade."

👍159 👎57