Definder - what does the word mean?

What is slikk?

A Slikk slave is someone who has been trapped without knowing it by the all engulfing sexual magnetism of that one douche bag thats taller than 6’3. These women are typically attractive and hoarish and their sexual ambitions lead them astray.

That girl bish there, she’s my Slikk slave

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slikk - meme gif

slikk meme gif

slikk - video


Slikk - what is it?

Named after Leopold Slikk or the Angry German Kid, is an effect where if you post something satirical on the Internet, people will perceive it as real without researching the backstory of said video.

"The Pickle Rick Szechuan Sauce Meltdown Video is a victim of the Slikk Effect."

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What does "slikk" mean?

Angry German Kid that he likes sausage eggs and who smashes keyboard

Leopold Slikk, how dare you failed your quiz? You're grounded for 3 months with no computer and sausage eggs. (not too much amount of time)

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Slikk - what does it mean?

Real name Ruben Andre Thompson born February 15 1990 is a rapper/singer from Miami Shores, Florida.

Damn Ruben Slikk fucked yo bitch.

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Slikk - meaning

Being super sneeky.
A nickname fer a cute ass guy.
usually a pretty boii who has this name.

Slikk is so cute.
Dangg slikk is a sick pretty boii.

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