Definder - what does the word mean?

What is skall?

a word used to describe bald men or boys, mostly spoken by kids making fun of adults and kids with cancer. but we like skalle palles

haha look at that skalle palle

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skall meme gif

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Skall - what is it?

Ethnic slur derived from the Swedish words "svart" and "skalle"; translated as "black" and "skull" respectively. It usually denotes a person who is dark-haired or non-European.

Jack: Harry Houdini was the one of the most prominent magicians of the 20th century.
Fred: Nah, he a svart skalle.

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What does "skall" mean?

Referring to a person who is tall and skinny.

Tim is a very skall kid.

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Skall - what does it mean?

someone who uses alot of swearing, goes around and bray people

oh that guy is such a skall

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Skall - meaning

Used to identify a 'call' made using an online voip service such as Skype. The skall can be either from one PC to another, or from a PC to a landline.

I received a skall from John the other day
I skalled Pete in the USA using my PC.

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