Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sinnys?

He's very sweet, he can make you smile just by his smile. He is caring, most of the time. He cares about you at your worst times, when you're sick, or you just need attention or cuddles. He can make mistakes sometimes, and some really bad ones too. He can be forgetful at times and it can be frustrating. He's very sexy, and really handsome. He is silly and loves making you laugh, his day is ruined if his mate is upset. He can be lazy, and he loves Naruto 💕 I love you Kaleb. You're my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.

Grace: Hi my name is grace.

Kaleb: my name is Kaleb with a K because I'm cool

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sinnys - meme gif

sinnys meme gif

sinnys - video


Sinnys - what is it?

SINNYS:noun also known as a durry mostly used by cooked cunts in groups

Scotty: do you have any sinnys pat im hanging for one mate

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What does "sinnys" mean?

A butthole

I'd like to see her sinny ring.

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Sinnys - what does it mean?

yo so this word means like, if da bro has synthetic cannabis in his possession, then we just say Sinny cuz it's short ay

"yo ah got a sinny g?"

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Sinnys - meaning

The name of the most complete human being, saint and icon known to the world today and will ever be. He can not do mistakes and take Ls he is perfect, godly in human form, making Jesus Christ look like a bag og garbage. Many people worship this man to the day they die. He is the creator of the (DS movie) and founder of the first norwegian lavskole. He made the book 99 in every stat, where he writes about how perfect he is.

"Hyll Sinni!"

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Sinnys - definition

Sinnie is a person who is funny, caring, pretty =), and in her spare time goes to summer school, BTT 101.

Wow, did you see Sinnie? Shes on urbandictionary because BTT!

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Sinnys - slang

All original feminine Sinner. The sweet evil. Speaks her mind, often before thinking, is head strong & sarcastic to all. Sinnie delivers from both worlds, a devil to enemies and an angel to friends.

one moment she's and angel, next she's a devil, she really is a Sinnie

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To put out a joint

To put out a joint, either while smoking or passing the joint.

"Hey man, pass the joint""Sure, but you'll need a lighter, I just Sinny'd it"

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A beautiful amazing fantastic human that an Eme would fall in love in seconds. She is really easy to fall in love with, and hard to fall out of love with. She probably has had a hard life, and can be EXTREMELY stubborn. But she will always be in your heart. Many others wish to have her in their life.

Person A: Yo! Hows Sinny?
Person B: Beautiful as always
Person A: Lucky! I wish I had a Sinny

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efnets lovely rascal

<_sinny> i mean, :( im efnets lovely rascal

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