Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shuks?

Vomiting and Pooping at the same time

I had the worst shuks yesterday!

I was so sick I Shuked all over the place! Puke hit the porcelain and shit hit the wall!

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shuks - meme gif

shuks meme gif

shuks - video


Shuks - what is it?

Kepam. Just kepam, memang kepam, paling kepam, terkepam, suka buat double meaning jokes, lets save his wife from him yall.

"Shuk sahar is kepam"

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What does "shuks" mean?

The shuk challenge-
Asking a girl "what are you gonna do about this boner" on the first date.

-"Bro,I tried the shuk challenge and got some last night".

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Shuks - what does it mean?

A kepam, he is a bad looking guy, who loves to make double meaning jokes.

"Look that is shuk sahar, he is a kepam, he and his friend 2×5 5×pig"

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Shuks - meaning

Shuk sahar is a comedian, host, male actor, from Penang, Malaysia. He is very rude and make double meaning jokes, a simple definition for him is kepam, just kepam, i hope malaysia can be a safe country and can cancel all artist that make rape jokes, double meaning jokes or etc.

"Shuk sahar is kepam y'all. Cancel, cancel, cancel je jantan ni."

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Shuks - definition

Most insane dog you'll ever meet. Get out of the way when SHUK-DOG is coming. He will make you cry with his "beat up brendan face" he also gets all the ladies with his "hot girl walking down the street face".

Facebook added him as a friend and he declined.

Shuk-dog: uhhhhhh.....uhh....fuck off, no one fucks with the shuk-dog

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Shuks - slang

Shuk is an ugly fat bum crack of a twat who normally talks poo 100% of the time. He has some handsome days. I.e many females fall in love for him real quick. He has a bit of a gay side to him which many boys love as he sucks jellyfish dick.

Shuk: Hi baby want to come mine

Girl: I'm sorry I'm busy I need to attend a baptism

Shuk: I'm home alone
Girl: I'm there.

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A cleaner version of the word Fucking

Omg You're such a shukking hufta!

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A clever combination of the words "Shit" and "Fuck" that is said to have originated from Scartown. It is often used during moments of extreme disappointment or to denote that someone has committed an act of stupidity.

Person A and Person B are walking down a dark alleyway in Scartown, when Person A steps into some fresh dog shit.

Person A: SHUK!
Person B: Hahaha! What a Shuk.

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rebel, juvenile delinquent, troublemaker

i wish i was as cool as shuks

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