Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shit cake?

A shit cake made by south indian malu descent, compressed usually by hand. The best of the packers are called 'Shit Cakers'.

Joel your family makes the best malu shit cakes

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shit cake - video


Shit cake - what is it?

When you are eating her ass and she mestruates in your mouth

I was eating Becky out and she gave me a strawberry shit cake

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What does "shit cake" mean?

Bad news/events that already top off an extremely shitty day

Mike: What's wrong Billie?

Billie: My girlfriend just broke up with me and now my car just broke down.

Mike: Damn, that must be the icing on the shit-cake.

👍53 👎23

Shit cake - what does it mean?

A Piece of Shit Cake is usually used as an insult to refer to a bastardized individual whom has caused you great inconvenience, grief, heart ache, murderous thoughts, and other various nasties.

Person 1: That dude slept with my girlfriend! YOU PIECE OF SHIT CAKE!

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Shit cake - meaning

When you poop on a girls tits and pound it with your dick so it looks like a cake.

Hank:I gave Jenny some shit cakes last night.

Jeff:Shit dude, me to!

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Shit cake - definition

my mothers cakes

"mom this cake tastes like shit!!!!"

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Shit cake - slang

The act of taking a dump then jerking your jizz on top to ice it like a cake.

Big-Red went into the toilet to take a shit, the guests were then escorted into the bathroom to see the lovely shit cake he made.

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Shit cake

When something does not go the way you wanted.

"Sorry man, you didn't get it"
"Ahhhh shit-cakes"

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Shit cake

a piece of shit baked on ones ass.

Yestarday we made some tasty shit cakes!

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Shit cake

A dried layer of feces remaining on one's ass.

You nasty little shit cake!

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