Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shiri?

Shirie is inlove w jah. That’s it

Shirie loves jah

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shiri - meme gif

shiri meme gif

shiri - video


Shiri - what is it?

York in City on Shiri TTBS City: Contains of TTBS York Shiri

York in City on Shiri TTBS City: Contains of TTBS York Shiri

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What does "shiri" mean?

Anal beads covered in filth

Will tnt sells shirys to people on roblox

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Shiri - what does it mean?

An actress who played Liz Parker on the awesome WB show Roswell. Born in Los Angeles, CA on Dec. 7, 1978. Most recently appeared in Charlie Wilson's War.

Shiri Appleby had great chemistry with Jason Behr.

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Shiri - meaning

A drunken way to say "sure", usually used in conjunction with "reddhy" and "srajhkhjra".

Ohr, Ih shiry ahm hangrahe.

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Shiri - definition

scottish slang for "sure is"

Its a nice day, isnt it?


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Shiri - slang

A girl who usually has a big ass, nice tits, loves it in the ass, always up for sex, and a great voice.

Look at the tits on that girl, she's such a shiri.

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It's like a shirt but it's gay

"Hey! Nice shiry! I have one just like that!"

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A whore, some say, a bitch. A bad person all around that should rot in the darkest depths of hell.
Al pi hozer mancal.

When someone is a bitch, its porobably shiri

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Shiri is usually a kindhearted person but doesn't show how kind she is until you know her. Shiri is not popular even though some people wonder why. Shiri will kick you ass if you betray her but is usually kind and very funny. Shiri has an amazing voice. She won't be scared to sing by herself in front a crowd knowing they might judge her. Shiri is very pretty but doesn't know it.

Ariana Grande: I would like to introduce you to my new co singer
Crowd: SHIRI, SHIRI!!!!!

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