Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shigs?

(shortened) Shits and Giggles, also known as, Shits and Gigs.

Person: do it for the shigs.

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shigs - meme gif

shigs meme gif

shigs - video


Shigs - what is it?

A portmanteau and pseudo-synonym of "shit", used to describe a blatant lie in the context of physical ability.

This noun typically refers to someone who claims that they can execute a difficult physical stunt, when in reality, they cannot, and are merely seeking props from fellow activity partners.

Fuji: "I can do five backflips yo!"
Raul: "Yeah? Show them to me right now."
Fuji: "Well, my ankle's kinda sore, so I can maybe do half a backflip right now."
Raul: "You're full of shig."

Fuji talks a lot of shig.

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What does "shigs" mean?

Abbreviation of 'Shigeru Miyamoto', top game designer for Nintendo.

"Shig made a surprise appearance at E3, to promote the new Zelda game."

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Shigs - what does it mean?

A combination of shiv and shag, this is the term for shivving someone, and then fucking them. Rape is optional. Can be done vice-versa with a corpse if you're a fucking weirdo. Mainly done in south Brexit.

Just as the queen intended.

man1: oy i'm gonna shig you
woman: oh shit is that like a combination of shiv and shag
man1: what do you think bend over

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Shigs - meaning

A rubbish night of sex with a slag.

" Gibbo is such a shig "

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Shigs - definition

A strong niccy rush, usually from low quality/bootleg cigarettes that causes the immediate need to defecate.

Cig shits -> shig cits -> shigs

'The Bulgarian cigarettes we bought on holiday gave us the shigs'

'I'll take the shigs any day for a €2 pack of cigarettes'

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Shigs - slang

'shig' is an acronym for 'See How It Goes'.

There were too many factors to plan out every detail of the trip, so we decided instead just to shig.

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Shits and Giggles.

For the shigs!

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standing next to a cook with the intentions of stealing their cooking techniques

this other cook was helping me in the kitchen until i realized he was shigging my ideas

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shigging (shig-ging) , 1. v. to enter a persons BBQ site with intent of stealing BBQ secrets in an effort to improve one's own BBQ score. 2. v. to position one's self to view the contents of the inside of a fellow competitors BBQ pit when it is opened

Their BBQ team could write a book about shigging other teams recipes and techniques.

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