Definder - what does the word mean?

What is screamie?

Probably not a word but I'll make it one!

Screamy: Adjective
1. Used to describe something loud or sounds like screaming

Rachel: **sings hamilton song**
Becca: I'm pretty sure that song is more SCREAMY in the actual musical
Becca: I don't think SCREAMY is a word-
Karen: Imma add it to the Urban Dictionary!

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screamie - meme gif

screamie meme gif

screamie - video


Screamie - what is it?

A baby

Joe's screamy little sperm spawns won't stop running around.

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What does "screamie" mean?

Police sirens

Jamal started to run when he heard the screamy bois in the distance

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Screamie - what does it mean?

is sexually attracted to nothing as in down to f*ck the concept of nothing

screamy ace : "man i wish a null set could contain things so i could put my **** in it"

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Screamie - meaning

When you use 2 fingers to open a girl's asshole and then proceed to scream into it like a microphone.

When my girlfriend bent over the bed, I gave her a screamy meamy before I inserted my penis from behind her.

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Screamie - definition

Explosive diarrhea usually found in a toilet type region or right beside a toilet.

Man I had the screamy jeemies and pulled my pants down didnt make it and SHAT on the floor.

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Screamie - slang

Screamie, as in a nick-name for icecream. icecream will become screamie

you wanna get some screamie after school?

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1. Small reddish person
2. Lawn ornament, ie. garden gnome

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A word used by a small rock-loving girl to describe all forms of screamo music that cause long term ear ache. Originally coined by a girl named Ellie to describe some of the worst forms of music loved by her dear friend Shaun!

"No, I don't like them, they're too screamy"

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Crazy crazy mentalist "fans" who'd jump off a cliff if they heard the Boosh were hiding in the Rocks at the bottom...

They aren't a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend.

"Oh god. Look. It's a screamie dressed as old gregg. Oh dear me, i'd better text a friend to get me out of this situation."

"Oh look there's a screamie getting 300 photos with Robots."

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