Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sbc's?

Some Big Company.

SBC just happens to be a huge phone company, as well as my ISP.

When AT&T exploded into a bunch of smaller telecommunications companies, their magnetism caused them to slowly reform into the all powerful form they once were. This menacing force would be known as SBC.

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sbc's - meme gif

sbc's meme gif

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Sbc's - what is it?

Slutty Brown Chick. A girl from either Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Trinidad, or even Guyana that wears very slutty clothes, acts whorish, and also talks like one. She has very few true friends and they are usually very ugly; the exact opposite of her. She likes attention but hates to admit it. Avoid these kind of girls for they are not true girls because they do not their true nature.

Hey, look at that brown girl over there she's a SBC, just look at the way she walks.

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What does "sbc's" mean?

Sucking big Cock

Hey girl you gonna SBC wit do'z DSL's?

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Sbc's - what does it mean?

Suicide By Cop

Nigga Ran Into The Precinct Wavin' A 44 And Got SBC

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Sbc's - meaning

small black cock

WOw!! Did you know Gerald has a sbc..?? Im so disappointed ☹️

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Sbc's - definition

Small-Block Chevy. The most popular engine in the world. The engine that has won more races than any other. Started life in 1955 at 265 cubic inches, and has since grown to 427 in the C6 Corvette Z06.

An SBC at idle produces more torque than any 4 cylinder ever will.

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Sbc's - slang

Small black cock

Girl he had a SBC I couldn’t even feel it

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Slut Bitch Cunt. When a girl switches up on you and starts liking your brother.

Nah bro, she’s a SBC! She fucked my brother behind my back.

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Small black cock

Ollie boateng has an sbc!

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Small Black Cock

When a nigga gets double screwed by genetics and winds up black and with a small cock.

"God damn it, the one advantage to being black is having a big ass cock and mine I pull the short straw literally and wind up with a 4 inch sbc."

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