Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sba?


The largest internment camp in the United States

Chad: Yo, I heard the party quite a few SBAs

Brad: Yo, I'm getting sent to SBA because I'm big AF. Also, I touched a 16 year old.

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sba - meme gif

sba meme gif

sba - video


Sba - what is it?

Sway boys are stupid that's all thanks folks!!

Sbas especially Bryce hall

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What does "sba" mean?

I weapon the teacher uses to flatten students and it lets students to exploded. In all it is a trash thingy.

A:I like SBA
B:Don't be so 8745.

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Sba - what does it mean?

Sylva Bay Academy, also known as Hol-Mac Academy because if your spouse or family relatives have a job there then they are also employed or enrolled at SBA . Most of all of Jasper, Smith and surrounding countyโ€™s hoes go to school with their preppy mommaโ€™s and daddyโ€™s money, as well as all the bums who live in their parents basement are also enrolled their.

Did you all hear about SBA and how much it was a shithole?

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Sba - meaning

Should Be All Set...

The server crashed an hour ago and SBAS now.

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Sba - definition

semi bad ass. The best site owner/forum admin. in all of the universe. Doesnt like the cock at all. Except for his own.

Hey, LOOK! Its SBA! Unlike MMN, he doesnt like the cock!

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Sba - slang

To milk another man's prostate. Milking is important for health and pleasure.


What the fuck do I gotta do to get SBA'd around here?!?!?!

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School Based Assesments: Basically worth 20% of your CXC or GSCE exam depending on where you're from. A chance to get at least a C or a 2 on your exam if you fail it. Pretty much a waste of time

Teacher: Get your SBA's done by tomorrow or else you'll fail your final exams and have absolutely no future.

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Spring Break Asshole. a person that only wears abercrombie & fitch and or hollister , all the time . Only wears flip flops even if its 50 degrees outside. Goes around screaming WOOOO SPRING BREAK. Person who lives life like everyday is spring break

look at that group of sba's always being loud and obnoxious

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slut by association

when a girl's friends are loose, but she is not, she is still an sba

girl 1: all of jennie's friends are so slutty, but i'm pretty sure she's still a virgin.
girl 2: whatever. she's still an sba.

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