Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sansy?

Sansy is using bad words everytime, he can kill you in chat. He don't love Undertale and FNaF. He can go a Ratatouille picture from preserves.

Sansy is a lahmacun.

Sansy love Uur's ***

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sansy - meme gif

sansy meme gif

sansy - video


Sansy - what is it?


Oh thats Sansy

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What does "sansy" mean?

When you feel like someone killed you’re brother

I feel sansy. Did you kill my brother?

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Sansy - what does it mean?

Awesome. Sick. Amazing. Ill. Sexy.

"Ohhhh shit... fuckin' sansy goal"

"Holy shit, look at that bitches ass... fuckin' sansy"

"I look fuckin' sansy"

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