Definder - what does the word mean?

What is saem?

is a word mostly used by people who have difficulty typing the word ‘same’ on their keyboard- or their internet is being a bitch, not letting the user type the ‘same’ word correctly.

Honestly girl, saem. Like, I totally get your feeling.”

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saem - meme gif

saem meme gif

saem - video


Saem - what is it?

saeme is the name of a persian girl, she is tall an so charming , as like her name, she is just one in the word, and she divert any thing to her bolls :)) i love her from the end of my heart <3

saeme is arabic name, that means , a girl that doesnt eat any thing for 30 days, bud i just saw exactly some thing opposit , she eat like a cow :))))))

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What does "saem" mean?

The CORRECT spelling of the word "Same" when said in a reply to how a person feels, or what his opinion of something is.

"Yo I hate grapes"

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Saem - what does it mean?

Saem is originally from Korean language. It is a short form of Seon Saeng Nim (means teacher). Students tend to call Saem to show familiarity and admire. But, sometimes, a student calling his teacher "saem" can be considered like he has mysterious feelings for her.

Saem, how is your day?

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Saem - meaning

Saem is an attractive person, they are helpful, smart and talented. When you’re around a Saem, you want nothing more than to keep spending time with him.

Saem is so great

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Saem - definition

An Awesome Guy

Wow Saem Is Saem.

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