Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sackett?

An actual fuck boy... like im not kidding anyone named Sackett is the worst NEVER APPROACH HE HAS 3 GIRLFRIENDS AT ONCE, Also his parents must have really hated hjm if they named him.... 'Sackett'

But he is tricky cause he is typically hot with an 8 pack DONT BE FOOLED NO MATTER HOW LICKABLE HIS ABS ARE.

Girl 1: I met a wonderful HOT guy named Sackett today!

Girl 2: Sackett? Oh no hun.... Sackett is a complete fuck boy Don't be fooled he is a horny heartbreaker

Girl 1: But his body is soooo smashable!!

Girl 2: Dont fall for his puppy eyes and 8 pack.

Girl 3: Sackett? He dumped me for so and so..... then he cheated on her with her sister...

Girl 2: Also you didnt hear it from me, but he has only had sex once... he is soooo inexpeirienced....

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Sackett - what is it?

A term that when uttered will usually end a conversation or Facebook thread abruptly. The effect of this is always more pronounced when the subject of the conversation revolves around the now deceased singer/song writer Ronnie James Dio.
Although the possibility of a Hairy Sackett was first postulated by the mathematician Liebniz in 1704, it was not until 1974 that the Indian physicist Sivaramakrishna Chandrasekhar was able to empirically prove it's existance.

Person 1: I have to tell you the story about my enormous cyst before we have dinner.

Person 2: Hairy Sackett

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What does "sackett" mean?

A double team move in which one guy puts salt in the ass of the chick and eats it out while the other guy eats Heinz 57 out of the chick's cunt.

You hear Tyler and Andy pulled the the sackett on Kady last night.

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Sackett - what does it mean?

A double team move in which one guy pours salt in the cunt and eat it out while the other guy eats heinz 57 out of the bitch's ass.

Yo dog, you hear Tyler and Andy pulled the sackett on Kady last night.

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Sackett - meaning

A congradulatory phrase that is followed by the bumping of a fist to anothers persons fist and the exclamation of Sackett!!! it is a substitue for the old school High Five

Also used to explain a good group of people

"That was a sweet shot!! Sackett me!"

"What up Sacketts?"

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