Definder - what does the word mean?

What is running a 2?

Its a fucking game Angelina

Do you have fun run 2?

What's that?

πŸ‘29 πŸ‘Ž13

running a 2 - video


Running a 2 - what is it?

Running a 2 man is like playing Duos but in real life. You get a solid friend who you can go out with and meet girls with at a location or run a 2 man by setting up a chill spot for some female friends. Usually a 2 man is always with your best guy that you know you can complete the mission with and have a successful win rate. (Getting Pussy)

I ain't gon lie bro .... We gotta hit Miami and Run A 2 Man it's been a while.

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What does "running a 2" mean?

Running a two is when two people fuck this can also be used with running a 3,4,5,6 and so on

Me and Alyssa we’re running a 2 last night, Johnny said we should run a 3 next weekend

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