Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ruckles?

Ruckle is a anal gland disease that rots your butt hole

Mandy ruck got a bad case of the ruckle

👍25 👎13

ruckles - video


Ruckles - what is it?

Present participle of the verb 'ruckle' meaning to lag and stutter in movement.
Also the body's response to being extremely inebriated.

"Shit, I can't take it anymore! This youtube clip is ruckling like crazy. Have to restart this god forsaken browser."

"Dude, no more goodies for you! You are so high that you've started ruckling"

👍25 👎11

What does "ruckles" mean?

Ruckles: The act of laughing, chuckling, giggling, etc, at a random point of time without any or almost any of the people around you knowing why.

Ruckling: Having the Ruckles.

Ruckles stands for Random Chuckles. This is the act of chuckling, giggling, or laughing at a random point in time. If you are brought to this excitement from a joke or other reason excluding inside jokes, you do NOT have the Ruckles.

Caution: The Ruckles HAVE been found to be CONTAGIOUS... If you find an individual experiencing the Ruckles evacuate the area within 10 feet 5 inch of the individual who has the ruckles, IMMEDIATELY!

Ruckles occurs when 4 people are in a room watching TV. Then out of no where someone begins to chuckle. Everyone else in the room looks at him(her) with puzzled expressions. Now, since none of these people leave the room immediately they also being to ruckle. This laughing ensues until someone feels extreme pain and complains.

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Ruckles - what does it mean?

A mixture between tickle and rub. A soft relaxing caressing of the body in a non sexual manner.

Hey ruckle me to sleep. or Will you ruckle my arm?

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Ruckles - meaning

Creases or folds in, usually, fabric. Where the fabric is all crumpled up.

"Let me just straighten myself out; my shirt has got all ruckled up"

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Ruckles - definition

Right knuckles. Used when you wish to be specific about which hand the knuckles in question are on, but are too lazy to say two words. See also luckles.

I think I injured my hand cracking all my ruckles.

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