Definder - what does the word mean?

What is reddit?

A user based article submission site populated mainly by former/current users of Digg, 4chan and other user-based social media groups. The content is almost identical but there is a general hipster mentality that Reddit is the coolest of the three and, therefore, the tone of much of the site is very snarky and ego-driven.

Submissions and comments can be voted up or down the page in order of relevance, but this function is used almost solely for the purpose of promoting the opinions that represent the majority view, or simply the most smartass remark.

Reddit Science Submission: Watch this laser gun cook bacon! {vid}


MMM BACON!!! (1532 upvotes)

I see your bacon, and raise you a narwhal {pic} (1247 upvotes)

I like bacon too, but this isn't really science. (3468 downvotes)

eww bacon (infinite downvotes)

👍4107 👎2097

reddit - meme gif

reddit meme gif

reddit - video

Reddit - what is it?

The coomer's paradise, the 4channer's fiance, reddit is Los Angeles when it comes to how polluted the air there is to breathe in. It's toxic. It's stupid. It makes you want to take a shotgun to your balls and watch them fucking explode. Say something that even just barely disagrees with the majority opinion and you will be harassed to shit, sometimes sexually.

Reddit is a shithole, my friend got scolded online for having a slightly opposing opinion.

👍47 👎15

What does "reddit" mean?

A website where time comes to die.

Normal guy: Did you see that dog in a banana costume on reddit?

Tired guy: Yeah... I was on reddit for five hourse straight... I've made a grave mistake...

👍1311 👎609

Reddit - what does it mean?

1. A competition to see who can come up with the funniest headline for the same picture
2. where most people get their content they post on facebook and icanhascheezburger

example 1. "I found this funny picture on reddit, but I bet I can make it funnier if I repost it with a different title!"

👍477 👎165

Reddit - meaning

The accumulation of all stupidity on the internet.

person 1: have you seen ...

person 2: i already saw it on Reddit.

👍701 👎217

Reddit - definition

A user generated web 2.0 news website with a lefty, libertarian and geek slant. Tends to be slightly more upmarket than its larger competitor digg. The comment system at reddit actually works unlike the broken system over on digg. This results in (usually) more intelligent conversations. One issue with Reddit is that a number of users have installed bots which automatically down vote or up vote specific topics. In 2007, it was known for its support of Ron Paul (and then later Obama), its anger at George W Bush and Cheney and its opposition to the invasion of Iraq and its opposition to any potential attack on Iran. Reddit users are also overwhelming against organized religion be it Christian, the Cult of Scientology, Islam or Judaism.

One annoying or endearing feature of reddit that is also unique is "theme" usernames who behavior in stereotyped fashions usually occuring to their chosen username (eg. CAPTAIN_OBVIOUS.) These can be fun, but they usually wear pretty thin after a few days.

In general, reddit is a smart forum than digg, although everyone is always saying that slowly reddit is becoming digg while digg is becoming 4chan.

Typical reddit postings:

Vote up if you want George W Bush impeached!

Yet another xkcd cartoon

20 reasons why Lisp is better than Haskell

10 reasons why Arc is better than Lisp

15 reasons why Haskell is better than Arc

Crazy religious retards are doing something stupid and illogical again.

👍15419 👎5115

Reddit - slang

A liberal atheist's nocturnal emission.

He's a liberal and an atheist, so if I told him about reddit he would probably cry tears of joy.

👍4163 👎1053


Generally speaking, a platform that is for losers.

Aaron Swartz rolls in his grave as reddit has become the opposite of what he advocated for. In his own words, "all censorship should be deplored."

👍65 👎15


It's like 4chan with a condom.

Reddit, it's like 4chan with a condom.

👍17245 👎2299


Confirmation bias in an nutshell

I love reddit. I need my echo chamber!

👍2649 👎237